Chapter 4

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I stood at the front of the class, wiping off the board at the beginning of the day. There were footsteps and I looked behind me to see Jamia.

"Hello, Miss Nestor," I said. "Do you need something?"

She smiled, sitting on the desk in the front row.

"I have a problem," she said.

"And what's that?" I asked.

"I have a really hard time concentrating in class," she said, stepping closer to me. "You're just so damn attractive, all I can think about is you bending me over your desk."

My eyes widened as her fingers played with my tie and she stepped even closer to me.

"Miss Nestor, I think you should go," I said.

"Are you sure?" She asked quietly, her fingers just barely grazing over the front of my black slacks.

I stepped back and she pouted.

"You should go to class," I recommended.

Jamia gave me a small wink before leaving. I sighed deeply, running a hand through my hair. I finished cleaning off my board and class started not ten minutes later.

It went by for a few hours until fourth hour started. I was surprised when Gerard never showed up. Either way, I started the class. The class felt different without him here alway raising his hand.

It was when there was only twenty minutes left that the door opened. Gee walked in, head down as he sat in his seat. I continued on with my lesson as he took notes quickly but never really looked up.

"Mr. Way, can you stay here after class?" I asked when the bell rang.

All the others got up and left but Gerard stayed put. I stood in front of him and he just kept looking down.

"What's wrong, Gee?" I asked.

He sniffled and I raised my eyebrows.

"What happened?" I asked. "Does it have something to do with Bert?"

He didn't say anything and I sighed, kneeling down in front of him.

"Can you look at me?" I asked.

Gee sniffled and looked up. His eyes was bruised and I sighed.

"C'mon, let's go to the nurse's office," I said.

He shook his head quickly. "I-I don't wanna get Bert in trouble."

"You're hurt," I stated.

"Please don't make me," he whimpered.

I walked over my desk, reaching into the mini fridge underneath it to grab a cold water bottle. Gee took it from me gladly and pressed it against his eye, wincing slightly from the touch.

"Gee," I said, sitting in the seat beside him, "This isn't right. Love shouldn't hurt you. What Bert is doing is wrong."

"N-no, it's my fault, I deserve it," he muttered.

"No, Gee, you don't," I denied. "I can't tell you what to do but I highly suggest you break up with him."

"But then i'll have no one," he whimpered. "Bert said I'm too ugly and too fat and stupid and nobody else will love me."

"That's not true, Gee," I said. "You're beautiful and by far my smartest, most hardworking student. There's someone even better out there for you, you don't need him. There's someone who's gonna treat you like a princess."

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