Chapter 14

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Gee walked into my classroom early that morning. He yawned, crawling into my lap as I sat in my chair. He hummed for a moment before going silent and I realized he had fallen asleep.

"Baby," I said with a small chuckle. "What are you doing? First hour is going to start soon."

"I'm tired, I don't wanna go to class," he mumbled.

We had stayed up particularly late last night. Although I was tired too, I didn't regret it because hearing Gee moan and practically scream as I pounded him into the mattress made it all worth it.

"Can you write an excuse for me so I can sleep under your desk?" He asked.

"Yeah, baby, I guess so," I agreed.

Gee smiled, pulling out his backpack. None of the contents inside were school related. Instead, there was a pillow, Mr. Fluffles and his paci. He curled up into a little ball under my desk, quickly falling asleep. I took off my jacket, putting it over him as a little blanket.

"Hey, Frank--"

I cut Joe off, shushing him as I gestured under my desk. He peeked under at the sleeping Gee and sighed.

"Frank, you can't bend rules for students," he stated.

"Come on, man, he's tired, I kept him up late last night," I said.

"Do you change test scores and stuff like that for him?" He asked.

I bit my lip. "It's only been a couple times. And it's like he asked me to so he's not using me or anything."

"Frank, this is why it's illegal," Joe sighed.

"Are you gonna fucking tell on me or something?" I asked.

"No, of course not," he denied. "Just be careful, okay? You're my best friend and I'd really hate to see you out for a job and possibly even facing jail time."

"Thanks," I said quietly. "So, what did you come here for?"

"I was just going to tell you that they're moving family day," Joe said. "It's in an email but I assume you've been too distracted to check it. They're moving it from two weeks to being next week. Something about how there's going to be really bad storms that week."

I felt my heart stop at that. Family day, the day parents come in. The day Gee's parents come in.

"Fuck," I muttered. "How am I supposed to make eye contact with the parents of the boy who sucks my dick?"

He chuckled as the five minute warning bell went off. Gee jerked awake in shock, hitting his head on the desk as he cried out.

"Oh, baby," I sighed.

Joe walked out as I kneeled down. I kissed the top of Gee's head where he hit it and he sniffled.

"Get some rest," I whispered.

Gee nodded, curling up again as he yawned. People came in and I passed out work. I just let them work for the day, I was too tired to teach. I clicked on my email, reading over the one about family day. It was this Saturday and the kids would be allowed to give their parents tours of the school and dorms. Unfortunately instead of spending the day with Gee I would have to spend it in the classroom talking to parents.

The day went on until fourth hour when I felt shuffling at my feet. I peeked under and saw Gee wake up as he yawned and rubbed his eyes. I smiled softly before looking back at my computer. I saw him sitting on his phone as I went through the rest of my email, deleting all the spam.

Lunch came and everyone left as Gee crawled out from under the desk. He sat on my lunch, smiling as he pulled out his lunch and I grabbed mine.

"Did you have a nice nap?" I asked.

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