Chapter 7

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I knocked on Gee's dorm door the next morning. Thankfully the guard had stayed the whole night. The door opened and Gee looked up at me. He was wearing a little pastel pink silk tank top with little matching sleeping shorts that had white lace trim around the bottom.

"Hey, Gee, you ready for class?" I asked.

He nodded, a small smile on his face. "I just have to put my uniform on, is it okay if you wait out here?"

I nodded and he shut the door. Five minutes later the door opened again and he put on his blazer. Gee held my hand in the empty hallway, walking with me out of the building. Class didn't start for a little bit longer so no one was really out yet.

"You wanna grab some breakfast from the cafeteria?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Ryan and I have cereal in our dorm for when we're too lazy to get up in the morning. I had some today."

"Yeah? what'd you have?" I asked.

"I had lucky charms," he said, giggling quietly. "But I always eat the marshmallows first."

I smiled as we got to my classroom and I unlocked the door, turning on the lights and I shut the door behind me. He sat in my desk chair and I smiled. Gee yawned softly and I pulled off a chair from one of the desks, sitting across from him.

"How'd you sleep, sweetheart?" I asked.

"Not well," he mumbled. "I was too scared to sleep, I kept thinking that Bert was gonna come and be mad. Have you heard anything yet?"

"No," I said. "Headmaster Carter told me he'd e-mail me, here, let me check it."

Gee got up so I could sit in my chair, only for him to plop himself down onto my lap. I looked at him for a moment before turning to my computer to start it up. His head rested against my shoulder as he shut his eyes. I checked my e-mail and smiled softly.

"Hey, beautiful," I whispered and he opened his eyes. "Bert will be getting expelled because of violence and they found alcohol in his dorm. But he's gonna be finishing out the rest of the week here, just today and tomorrow."

He whimpered quietly, looking scared.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, he's going to be with a security officer the whole time so he won't bother you," I reassured. "He's only allowed in his dorm and in his classes to take any final exams, return textbooks, and do those sorts of things."

I wrapped my arms around him. He sniffled quietly and nodded.

"He will be out of here by tomorrow," I promised.

"Okay," he muttered, holding my hand as he played with my fingers.

Gee fell asleep on my lap and I sighed.

"Hey, sweetheart," I said, rubbing his back softly. "Do you wanna go to your room and just sleep? You can take a sick day if you're so tired."

"N-no, I'm okay," he denied. "Just...just need a little nap before class."

Gee sighed in content as I cradled him in my lap. He kissed my cheek softly, falling asleep with his head resting against my shoulder. I held him for a little bit longer until class was about to start in ten minutes.

"I don't wanna go," he muttered. "I wanna stay here with you, I really like you."

I ran my fingers through his hair and he whimpered. Gee looked up at me, giving me a soft kiss. I felt butterflies in my stomach as my heart beat faster. But as much as I wanted to kiss back, in the back of my mind I just kept remembering about how he was my student.

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