Chapter 13

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I just wanted to share this edit I made that took me for fucking ever because of the skin tones and the chick's hair but I like it I think it's cute


I was going on my first ever date with Gee today and I couldn't wait. We met up a little bit outside the school, far enough away so that way nobody would see him get into my car.

"God, you look so beautiful," I said.

Gee blushed, looking down at his outfit. He had on a light pink dress with spaghetti straps, a little silver necklace around his neck and a pair of white sandals.

"I didn't know how nice to dress," he said. "Is this okay?"

"Of course it is, baby, you look absolutely gorgeous," I said.

I had traded in my suit for just a pair of black jeans, a dark blue sweater and black converse.

"I think you look gorgeous too," he said.

I smiled, reaching over to hold his hand as I drove.

"Where are we going?" Gee asked.

"I thought we could go out for a dinner and a movie," I said. "Is that okay with you?"

"It's perfect," he said. "What movie are we gonna see?"

"You can pick it out if you want," I offered. "I don't really mind what we watch, just as long as I give you the perfect date ever."

"I already know it's gonna be perfect," Gee said.

I smiled, turning on the music as we drove. We got to the next town over, because we didn't want to risk anyone seeing us. I pulled up to a restaurant and Gee looked at it curiously. The place was nice but not super fancy.

"Is this okay?" I asked.

"I've never been, is the food good?" He asked.

I nodded as we walked inside and were given a table. Gee looked around, biting his lip. The waitress came by not long after, taking both our food and drink orders.

"I took my mom here one time," I said. "She really liked it."

"Did you tell her about us?" Gee asked.

"Sort of," I said. "I told her I was dating someone but that's about it, I never told her you were my student, I'm not quite sure how she would take it."

"W-would she hate me?" Gee asked nervously.

"No, of course not," I denied, reaching across the table to hold his hand. "I told her about you and she thinks you're so cute."

He giggled happily, a soft blush rising over his cheeks. He bit his lip then, looking down sadly.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Can I tell you the truth?" He asked.

"Of course, baby, you can tell me anything," I said.

"My parents didn't actually send me to private school because I wanted to go," he said quietly. "I mean, I did want to go because here I can be me without worrying about my parents judging me. But they actually sent me here because they just didn't want to be near their crossdressing gay son."

"Well, it's a good thing they sent you away because you seem like you'd be happier here," I said

"I am happier here," Gee said. "I love it here, I-I don't really wanna go back once I graduate."

"You don't have to," i said. "The offer of staying with me is still there. You can stay at my mom's place with me and you can still see your brother when you want to. Plus, I already know my mom's just going to adore you."

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