Chapter 23

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I stood at the front of the class, going through the presentation slide. Gee slid down slightly in his seat and spread his legs a little bit so I could see his thin, white lace panties. I gulped, looking at him before I quickly turned back to the board.

From where he was sitting in the front and the sides of the desk that were full boards no one would be able to see him, no one but me.

"Um, a-as I was saying," I continued, my face burning red. "The exam will be complete with twenty-five multiple choice, a fully annotated article and an argumentative paper."

Gee raised his hand.

"What will be the topic of the paper, sir?" He asked.

I turned to face him and saw his fingers gently brushing over the slight bulge in his panties.

"I can't say that b-but you will be given articles from either view and you have to choose your own opinion to defend," I said.

Gee bit his lip and I turned around quickly.

"Are you Okay, Mr. Iero?" Lindsey asked.

I nodded, going back to sit on my desk, worried that here might be a bulge in my pants that everyone could see if I was standing up.

"Okay, so the questions and annotations will be in the last day of regular class and the essay will be done on the exam day," I said. "I will give you a list of topics that you should know for the exam. I know there's only two weeks of school left but you can't check out just yet."

Class ended and Gee stayed in his seat. I got up, walking around my desk.

"Come here, Gee," I ordered.

Gee whimpered and hurried to stand in front of me. I went over, going to lock the door before I went back to Gee.

"You were being so naughty," I mumbled.

My fingers grazed over his panties and he gasped softly.

"On your knees," I ordered.

Gee whimpered and got down onto his knees in front of me. I took off my belt, pushing my pants and boxers down around my thighs. I stroked my semi slowly until I was fully hard. Gee whimpered, looking up at me. He leaned forward, gently licking my tip.

I moaned softly, tangling my hand into his hair. I gently closed my eyes as he took me into his mouth. I bit my lip, gently rocking my hips forward. Gee pressed his tongue to my underside, his one hand going to cup my balls. I cursed, jerking my hips forward.

"Fuck, Baby," I breathed out.

Gee gagged as I rocked my hips. I moaned, my head falling back.

"Fuck," I breathed out.

I pulled out of his mouth, looking down at his spit-slicked lips and the line of spit and precome falling from his lip. I pulled him up, pressing my lips against his. I backed him up against my desk, grinding against him as he moaned.

I grabbed his shirt, pulling it and watching the buttons pop as his shirt ripped down the middle. I kissed down his chest, my tongue flicking over his nipple. Gee gasped, whining as he clutched onto my shoulders.

I pushed his panties down and he stopped out of them. I picked him up, setting him on the desk as I pushed his skirt up around his waist. Gee wrapped his legs around his waist, pulling me close as he whined.

I sucked on my fingers, pushing one into him. He laid back on the desk and whimpered, gently rocking his hips. I added a second quickly, moving them in and out slowly. Gee moaned softly, whimpering as he begged for more. I scissored my fingers, stretching him out quickly as he panted softly.

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