Chapter 11

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I pulled away from the kiss, catching my breath for the first time in what felt like ages. Gee's lips were slightly swollen and his hair was fussed up from me running my fingers through them.

"First hour is gonna start soon," I whispered. "You have to get to class."

"J-just one more minute?" Gee asked.

I smiled, pulling him closer. My lips crashed against his and he quickly reciprocated. I held his hips, running my hands over his soft, chubby sides that I loved so much.

Someone tried to open the locked door and I sighed. I pulled away, fixing his hair and his tie. Gee smiled, doing the same thing for me.

"You're the cutest," I muttered. "My first hour students are here, you've gotta get going to class, you don't wanna be late."

Gee pouted but stood up, smoothing out his skirt.

"Can I eat lunch with you here?" He asked.

"Of course, you don't even have to ask, baby boy," I said.

He smiled, giving me a soft kiss.

"I'm gonna miss you," I said.

Gee smiled and blushed, giving me another kiss before he finally left. Kids walked in and started sitting down as I sighed. I wish Gee didn't have to leave. I loved his kisses and hugs and cuddles.

"Mr. Iero," someone said.

I looked up at Ryan, smiling softly.

"I have to make up that assessment, can I come in during lunch?" He asked.

"Oh, y-yeah, that's fine," I said.

Ryan smiled, walking out of the class. I ran my fingers through my hair and leaned back in my chair. Gee couldn't come in for lunch anymore, I'd have to break the news to him. The bell rang and I stood up, walking to the front of the class.

"Who wants just an easy Friday?" I asked and they nodded. "Let's just have a reading day. You can have time to catch up on Macbeth."

I sat back down and saw everyone get out their books and read quietly. First hour was one of my favorite classes. Everyone was so tired that nobody fooled around.

I opened up my email, biting my lip as I looked through all the school things. I looked at the school calendar and felt my heart sink. It wouldn't be long before Gee graduated. Maybe next year Gee would come live in the dorm with me since our relationship wouldn't be illegal. Over the summer instead of staying here on campus like some teachers do, I usually go back home and stay with my parents.

Class went by rather slowly until it was finally fourth hour. Each class got gradually more disruptive but Gee made everything better.

Gee: I can't wait to give you kissies

I looked over after reading the text. He had his book up but his hand was behind it and I knew he was holding his phone as he smiled at me innocently.

Frank: someone has to come in during lunch to take an assessment so you can't stay, I'm sorry.

Gee's smile dropped when he read the text. He looked upset as he set his phone down. He reached into his backpack and I sighed as he pulled out Mr. Fluffles and hugged him tight. I just wanted to go over and give him a big kiss and make him smile again.

"Oh my god, do you have a stuffed animal?!" Someone exclaimed.

Jamia and her friends started laughed as Gee's lip quivered.

"Go to the office," I ordered.

"What? C'mon, Mr. Iero, I thought you were cool," Jamia complained.

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