Chapter 21

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"Gee, can I talk to you after class?" I asked quietly, kneeling down beside his desk.

Gee shook his head I sighed.

"Please, I just want to talk is all, I promise I won't even talk about the two of us dating and our relationship," I whispered.

Gee bit his lip and looked up at me before he nodded.

"Mr. Iero, can I have some help on a problem?" Someone asked.

I got up, going over to help him on his annotations. Class ended and I looked around as everyone left but Gee. He stayed in his seat and I sat down in the chair beside him.

"How's everything going with Dallon?" I asked.

"Why?" He asked, looking at me skeptically.

"I'm just asking," I said.

"They're good, he got me some flowers this morning and they're so pretty," he said.

"Really? That was nice of him," I said.

Gee nodded. "And then we took a walk and we watched the sunrise together."

"That's sweet," I said quietly.

"Yeah, it was sweet," he agreed.

I smiled, giving his hand a small squeeze.

"Does he treat you like a princess?" I asked.

"Of course!" He cheered then faltered for a moment. "Well, he does most of the time. S-sometimes he doesn't treat me like I'm a princess."

"That's not very good," I said.

Gee shook his head. "And he doesn't really like Mr. Fluffles either. And I don't like that he doesn't like Mr. Fluffles because I do really love him so super duper much."

"I know you love him, he is the best little lamb in the world," I said.

"He is," Gee said with a quiet giggle.

I smiled, so thankful to hear the sound of him giggle again.

"You know what I got?" I asked and he looked at me curiously. "I got a little sweater for Mr. Fluffles."

I went to my bag and came back with the little pastel pink doll sweater. Gee gasped and hugged it to his chest and I watched him fall farther and farther into little space. He pulled  Mr. Fluffles from his backpack and put the sweater on him.

"It's perfect!" He cheered.

I smiled as he kissed Mr. Fluffles' cheek.

"Why  don't you stay here and I'll go get us some lunch?" I suggested.

Gee nodded, playing with Mr. Fluffles happily. I went to the cafeteria, quickly grabbing a salad for myself and a sandwich for Gee. I even got a little cookie and a bottle of juice for him. I couldn't help but be relieved when I saw that Gee was still in his spot when I got back to the classroom.

"Here you go," I said, pulling a chair around to sit  across from him.

"Ooh, I love this kind," he said.

I smiled as he ate.

"So, what is the biggest thing you're looking forward to this summer?" I asked.

Gee bit his lip. "I can't wait until I get to have my tea parties with my stuffies all day long whenever I want."

I chuckled softly, taking a bite of my food.

"What are you gonna do?" He asked.

"I am going to get a job and play with my dog," I said.

"You have a dog?" Gee asked excitedly.

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