Chapter 20

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I looked down at the girl. She may look like Gee but she wasn't Gee. Nobody could replace my baby boy.

"I-I can't," I said.

I went to back into the club to the bar where Joe was.

"I thought you were gonna go with that chick," he said.

"I-I can't, I can't do it, I need Gee, I love him," I said.

"Frank," Joe sighed.

I shook my head, my eyes watering.

"I just need to get shitfaced," I said.

Joe watched me as I drank, up until the point where he decided I had had enough and it was time for us to go.

"You were supposed to come out to have fun not just get shitfaced," he said.

"I miss him," I cried. "I need my Princess back."

Joe sighed as we got back to the campus. He helped me into my house and down to my boxers, pushing me down onto my bed.

"You need to sleep this off, you're gonna have a pretty bad hangover," he said.

I heard Joe left and I sat up as I sniffled. I-I couldn't sleep right now, I need to get my baby back. I walked out and went to the boys dorms. I knocked on Gee's door and it was silent for a moment before it opened.

"It's two in the morning, Mr. Iero," Ryan said.

I pushed passed him and cried as I crawled into Gee's bed. I found it empty and instead just hugged his pillow. Oh, it smells like him. I miss him.

"You can't be in here, Mr. Iero," Ryan said.

"Wh-where's Gee? Where's my baby?" I whimpered.

"He's with Dallon," Ryan said. "You need to leave, Mr. Iero."

"I want my little Princess back," I cried.

I sniffled, growing sleepy as I pulled the blanket up over my head.

"Gee? Mr. Iero is here in our room and he won't leave," Ryan said over the phone. "He reeks of alcohol."

I sniffled as I waited for Gee to come. When he finally did I broke down sobbing. I clutched onto him tight as I cried into his shoulder.

"I need you, Baby," I sobbed. "I-I miss you so much. I'm sorry, I never should've kissed Jamia, I never should've let her suck me off."

"You What?!" Gee shrieked.

I sniffled as I looked up at him, cowering back into his bed.

"I-I mean, she didn't, that never happened," I said.

"Get out, Frank," he ordered.

"B-But..." I whimpered. "I need you."

Gee grabbed me, trying to drag me out of the bed. When I looked at him I saw that he was crying too.

"I wanna be your Daddy again," I begged. "Please, I promise I'll treat you right."

Gee shook his head, pulling me harder.

"I'm gonna call campus security," Ryan said.

"No," Gee said, running over to stop him. 

"He's wasted and naked and won't get out of our dorm," Ryan said.

"He could get fired," Gee said. "Just...let him sleep here overnight."


"I know, I want him here just as much as you but we also can't just get him fired," he said.

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