Chapter 15

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I pulled Gee closer, pushing him up against the wall. He let out a small gasp and kissed me roughly. I pulled away, resting my forehead against his.

"You've gotta head out, parents should be arriving soon," I whispered.

He kissed me again, tangling his hands in my hair. I moaned softly as I held his hips. We both pulled apart reluctantly and he gave me a small wave before walking out of my classroom.

Soon enough kids started walking in and I talked with the parents and everything. It was boring as hell if I'm going to be honest.

"So glad to hear our son is doing a good job," the mom said, whose name I've forgotten.

I smiled as the two walked off. I took a drink of coffee just as the next student sat down with his parents.

"Ryan," I said with a smile.

I shook hands with his parents and smiled.

"Well, we're sure Ryan has a good review, he's pretty quiet," Mr. Ross said.

"He is but he's a very good student," I said. "He's got an A- in the class."

"Not bad," Mrs. Ross said.

"And he's kind and always works well with the other students," I said.

They nodded and we talked about him for a bit before they left. About an hour later I felt my breath catch in my throat as Gee walked up with his parents. Oh god, who knows how awkward this is going to be.

"Hello, Mr. Iero," Gee said.

I gave a small nod in reply, shaking hands with his parents.

"We heard you're Gee's favorite teacher," Mrs. Way said.

I looked at Gee with raised eyebrows and he blushed.

"Why is that?" She asked. "We only wonder because Gee doesn't typically like his teachers all that much."

"I guess I'm just really nice," I said. "And Gerard is a very good student, he's got good grades and is always very focused in class."

"What about the other students?" His mom asked. "Don't the other kids make fun of him for his skirts? His father and I think he should wear pants."

Gee gave me a pleasing look and I bit my lip.

"No one makes of him," I lied. "Everyone loves him. They think wearing the skirts is courageous."

Maybe I was stretching it a little thin but I couldn't help it. Maybe if they see the other kids don't care then they won't mind either.

"A-are you sure? Don't they think it's weird?" Mr. Way asked.

"No, it's not weird," I denied.  "It's normal, he dresses how he likes to dress and everyone understands that."

Damn, this lie just keeps on stretching.

"Well, I, uh, I guess that's good," Mrs. Way said.

I showed them his last paper, that he had gotten full points on.

"Good job, sweetheart," Mrs. Way said, kissing Gee's cheek as he smiled proudly.

The day seemed to drag on but finally all the parents left. I waited at my place until seven when Gerard still didn't come over. He told me he would, he never even texted me.

I headed out towards the dorms, biting my lip as I looked around. Thankfully no one was around as I headed down to Gee's dorm, most everyone was at dinner. I knocked on the door and it was quiet for a moment before Ryan opened it.

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