Chapter 16

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I unbuttoned Gerard's shirt, kissing down his chest. He whimpered quietly and I smirked as I pushed the shirt off his shoulders.

There was a knock on the door and I frowned as I pulled away and looked over at the door. I sat up on the couch, running a hand through my hair.

"Okay, fuck, go to the bedroom," I said. "I'll come get you when it's okay."

Gee nodded and grabbed his jacket, heading back to the bedroom. I sorted myself out to make sure I looked okay before heading to answer the door.

"Miss Nestor," I said. "You're not allowed at the teacher's dorm."

"I know but ever since we kissed I just haven't been able to stop thinking about it," she said and I cringed, praying that Gee didn't hear that.

"Jamia, it was nothing, there was nothing between us," I stated.

Jamia leaned up, pressing her lips against mine. I pushed her away quickly, shaking my head.

"You need to leave, Miss Nestor, before I call campus security," I said.

Jamia pouted for a moment before leaving. I sighed and shut the door, heading back to the bedroom.

"Is everything okay?" Gee asked when I opened the door.

"Yeah, baby, everything's fine," I said.

He smiled, patting the spot beside him. I sat down, holding onto his hand.

"I love you, daddy," he said.

I smiled, giving him a soft kiss.

"I love you," I said.

"I can't stay long, I have a lot of math homework to do," Gee said.

"Let's cuddle then," I said.

Gee smiled as he cuddled up with me on the bed. We only got to stay like that for about twenty minutes before he had to leave. I gave him a kiss before he left, smiling softly as I watched him leave.

The next day of class seemed to be torturous. You see, Jamia kept giving me these looks that I tried my best to ignore. She'd bite her lip and wink and giggle. Gee even noticed to and I could see he was getting more and more upset.

"Mr. Iero, did you get a haircut?" Jamia asked.

"Yes, I usually do when it gets closer to summer," I said.

"It looks really good on you," Jamia said. "I could just run my hands through it all day."

The class laughed as Gee glared at her.

"Alright, let's focus now," I said. "I know you're all excited for summer but I can't have you checking out just yet."

"But I'm only checking you out, Mr. Iero," she said.

Gee looked like he was fuming and Ryan reached over to hold his hand in an attempt to calm him down a little bit.

"Jamia, That is enough," I said. "I will not tolerate that in my fucking classroom."

The room fell silent as they all looked at me.

"Mr. Iero?" Gee asked as class was ending. "I have a question about the homework."

He walked up to my desk and watched everyone else leave.

"Why was Jamia doing that?" He asked.

"You know Jamia, she always does this kind of stuff," I said.

"But today was more than usual, why is that?" He asked.

I patted my lap and Gee sat down on it.

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