Chapter 17

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Gee walked into the classroom and I frowned when I saw some other guy by his side. He was tall with brown hair and this shiny white perfect smile.

I watched the way the two of them talked, Gee sitting on his desk as he smiled, twirling his hair around his finger while he batted his eyelashes. He kept glancing at me and I knew he was trying to piss me off and it was sure as hell working.

"You should be in your class," I stated.

"Class doesn't start for another four minutes," the guy said, a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, he can stay," Gee said, reaching over to hold his hand.

"No PDA," I said.

"What? You a fucking prude or something?" He asked.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Dallon," he said.

"You can leave my classroom, Dallon," I said.

Dallon smirked, taking Gee's hand before walking out. I scowled, following them out.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked.

"To go do something far worse than PDA," Dallon said.

I thought I would actually explode at this point. He wants to go and fuck my little boy?

"Go to the office," I said.

"We didn't even do anything—"

"Office, now," I ordered.

"Fine," he said.

The two of them started walking until I stopped them.

"Only you, Dallon," I said.

"Why just me? I wasn't the only one," he said.

"Go," I said.

Dallon rolled his eyes and leaned over to give Gee a kiss before he walked off. I scowled, grabbing Gee's arm to pull him into the staff bathroom.

"Let me go," he said.

"No," I denied as the bell for class rang. "I am not going to sit here and let you be with that asshole."

"You can't tell me what to do, I broke up with you," he said, crossing his arms.

"You broke up with me because you said you didn't want to be with someone like Bert again," I said. "But that fucker is just as cocky as him, I wouldn't be surprised if he was hitting you by next week."

Gee's lip quivered as he looked at me.

"You kissed her!" He shouted. "H-how could you do that to me?!"

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

Gee sniffled, shaking his head.

"I-I trusted you, Frank," he whimpered. "And you kissed someone else, Jamia of all people. You know how much I hate her."

I reached out to hold his hand but he pulled away.

"You can hate me, Gee," I said. "You can wish death upon me if you want, just please don't date him. He is a fucking asshole. Y-you don't even have to date me if you want, you can go date whoever you want just not him."

"You don't get to tell me who I can and can't date," he said.

"I'm trying to look out for you, Baby," I said. "I don't want you getting hurt again."

"Like how you hurt me?" He asked.

I bit my lip before nodding softly. Gee scowled and walked out of the bathroom. I sighed, waiting a moment before I walked back to the classroom. Gee wasn't there and I bit my lip as the students talked.

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