Chapter 10

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Frank Iero yesterday in Detroit was so beautiful I love him so much but his talking voice sounded so weird, kinda like a Chuck E. Cheese character. Like all nasally and like he was just sucking helium from a balloon but his giggling was so cute and I still can't hear very well

And he told us a story about how last time he was playing at The Shelter he was sleeping in the van and  someone tried to break into it and he got scared and peed himself

Also on my way home some lady was texting and driving and she was swerving so I honked at her and she honked back and flipped me off and tried to run me off the road into a wall at 70mph I would've died


I smiled, wrapping my arms around Gerard as I pulled him closer.

"You're so pretty," I muttered.

Gee giggled quietly and I smiled, brushing his hair behind his ear. He blushed softly a small smile on his face.

"Thank you, daddy," he said.

I smiled as he leaned down, kissing me again. My hand ran down his back slowly, resting on his ass as I gave it a gentle squeeze. Gee giggled quietly pressing his body against mine.

Things with us grew even more heated and his body laying on top of mine seemed so much heavier. Gee panted softly, kissing me desperately. I moaned, pulling his hips down against mine. I could feel the semi in his panties underneath his school skirt.

"Daddy, I need you," he moaned.

He pulled off my tie, sitting up to take off his own blazer and tie. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him back down into a messy kiss. He rocked his hips down and we both moaned.

"Baby," I whispered, pulling away for a moment. "Are you sure?"

Gee nodded quickly and kissed me again. He started unbuttoning my shirt, muttering in annoyance when one wouldn't go. I flipped us over so I was on top, leaning down to give him a soft kiss. I unbuttoned my shirt, tossing it aside. Gee looked at the expanse of tattoos on my skin, his hand trailing over my chest softly.

"I think you're prettier," he whispered.

"Nonsense," I muttered, kissing his neck as I unbuttoned his shirt. "Have you ever looked in the mirror?"

Gee sat up slightly so I could take his button up off. I ground my hips against his slowly, kissing him deeply. I pulled off his skirt, running my hands up his sides. I kissed along his chest, feeling his fingers run through my hair. I moved down between his legs, sucking on his inner thighs. Gee panted softly, his hands loosely gripping the blanket on the bed.

"Daddy, I need you," he mumbled.

I moved back up, kissing him roughly. Music was playing in the background but I had completely forgotten about it until it stopped. I smirked softly, getting up as he whined. I went to my record player, changing the album.

"What do you wanna listen to?" I asked.

"Daddy," he whined in annoyance.

I smirked, grabbing some random record, not even looking at it as I put it on. I unbuckled my belt, pushing down my pants with my boxers. I crawled back in between his legs, kissing up his neck until I got to his lips. My hand palmed him through his panties, running over the hardened length. He jerked his hips up, crying out softly. I pulled off his panties, my hand going to wrap around his erection.

I pressed my fingers to his lips and he took them into his mouth, sucking softly and coating them in saliva. I moved them down and he spread his legs a little, blushing softly. One of my fingers slowly pressed in and he bit his lip. I moved it in and out before adding a second. Gee let out small whimpers, his hips soon rocking up.

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