Chaptee 8

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Just like Gee said he would, we've been keeping our distance. Two weeks and we haven't really talked much at all. He's been happier, thankfully. He's been spending time with more his friends and seems to be getting over Bert.

But I couldn't help but miss his touch. And miss his lips on mine and our time we used to spend with each other. He doesn't eat lunch with me anymore or anything. It was just like before when he was just a normal student.

"Mr. Iero?" Someone asked.

I looked up at Jamia, giving her a small nod.

"I think that tie looks really nice on you," she said.

I looked own at my plain black tie before looking back up. That's when I saw Gee look back at her with a small glare. I raised my eyebrows and he glanced at me before blushing and looking down.

"Thank you, Miss Nestor," I said.

They kept working quietly until the bell rang. I met up with Joe in the teacher's lounge and he smiled.

"So, was class with Gee just as torturous as before?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said. "I just wanna kiss him so badly and he's right there but I just can't and I have to pretend like he's just another one of my students."

He smiled sympathetically, patting my shoulder.

"Maybe one day," he said.

"Yeah, maybe," I muttered. "But Jamia complimented me today and Gee just gave her this dirty look."

"Someone's jealous," Joe sang.

I smiled, opening my lunch.

"You think?" I asked hopefully.

Not that I wanted him to be jealous, but maybe he really does have feelings for me after all. And for the rest of the day all I could think about was him, even when I was in my room with a beer in my hand and watching tv.

It wasn't until ten that night that there was a knock on my door. I frowned as I got up and opened it. Gee was standing on my doorstep, looking nervous.

"Gee, you're not allowed to be here," I said quietly.

Either way, I made sure no one was watching as I opened the door wider and he stepped in. I sighed quietly, shutting the door.

"What's up, Gee?" I asked.

Gee looked down for a moment before stepping closer. His lips were against mine in a second. I grabbed his hips, pulling him closer as my heart raced and I felt almost dizzy.

I don't know how it happened but next thing I know I'm pressing him down against the mattress, our lips never pulling apart. His hands tangled into my hair as he panted softly.

"Fuck," I muttered, pulling away.

Gee looked up at me, his cheeks flushed and his hazel eyes wide.

"Baby, we can't," I whispered.

He bit his lip, leaning forward to give me a soft kiss.

"I really do like you, Mr. Iero," he mumbled against my lips.

I kissed him again, my body pressed closed to his.

"Do you like me?" He asked.

"Of course I do, sweetheart," I said.

Gee held onto my hand and I smiled softly, kissing his forehead. I sighed quietly, sitting up on the edge of the bed. He whimpered quietly, sitting up beside me.

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