Chapter 19

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I sniffled when Joe walked into the room.

"Come on, Frank, you need to get out of bed, classes start in half an hour," Joe said.

I shook my head, pulling the blanket up over my head.

"Frank come on," he said. "I know you're upset and I know you loved him but he was just a student. You can't date a student, you knew that you were getting into a tricky relationship."

"Shut up," I mumbled. "Just get the fuck out of here and leave me be already."

"Frank, you can't just keep taking sick days," he said.

I shook my head, sniffling as I ignored him.

"I-I just want my little boy back," I whimpered.

"I know you do, Frank, but he's dating someone else now, he has been for two weeks now," he said.

I shook my head. "He can't date that fucking asshole."

"He isn't really an asshole," Joe said.

"Yeah, and you thought Bert was all nice, too," I said. "They all seem nice but behind closed doors they're cheating and beating their partner."

"You're just saying that because you don't want him to date anyone else," he said.

I nodded, hugging a pillow to my chest.

"Come on, Frank, I'm serious, you have to get out of bed," he said.

"No, I'm not going," I denied. "I-I can't be in the same room with both Jamia and Gerard either."

"Why not?" Joe asked.

"Because Jamia gave me a blowjob," I mumbled.

I heard Joe sigh loudly. "Frank, why would you let her give you a blowjob?"

"I didn't mean to, it was late and night and I was just tired and it was dark and she got into my house and I thought that she was Gee," I said.

"Does Gee know?" Joe asked.

"No, of course he doesn't, I kind of left that part out," I said.

"Frank, that's the kind of shit that got you into this mess," he said. "Come on, get up."

Joe grabbed me and I groaned as he pulled me out of bed.

"Jesus you smell," he muttered. "Frank, get dressed, I'm serious."

I nodded my head sadly, getting up to get dressed into a suit. Joe sprayed me with cologne before we walked to the school. I went to his room and he gave me some coffee.

"Now you go back to your classroom and try not to cry in front of all the students," he said.

I nodded and walked back to my classroom. The day went by slowly to the time that I was dreading the most. Jamia sat in her seat and she kept giving me looks as she bit her lip and winked.

The bell rang and I looked at Gee's empty seat, frowning softly. He didn't come until twenty minutes into class. Gee kept his head down in a way that was all too familiar. As soon as class ended I called him up to my desk.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked.

Gee sniffled, shaking his head. I put my finger under his chin and gently made him look up at me. He had a bruise along his cheek that looked pretty recent.

"Baby Boy, where did you get this from?" I asked.

"I fell," he said.

"Did Dallon do this to you, princess?" I asked.

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