Chapter 12

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I sat with Gee as he smiled and hugged Mr. Fluffles. Marie had taken him and cleaned him off. There were still faint marker lines but it was so much better now.

"Thank you for having her fix him," Gee said.

"Of course," I said, kissing his cheek. "It's getting late, it's almost lights out."

"No, I wanna stay," he said. "Please, daddy?"

"You've got class in the morning," I stated. "I don't want you being all tired tomorrow."

"I won't be," he promised.

"You sure you don't wanna get some rest?" I asked.

"I can sleep here," Gee said.

"Baby, it's risky," I said. "I don't wanna get caught."

"I know but I just like being with you," He muttered, running his hand down my arm.

"I know you do," I said. "But we still have to be careful, baby boy. If people find out about our relationship then we won't be able to see each other."

"I know, I wish things were different," he said, his head resting on my chest as he frowned.

"Hey, don't get all upset now," I said softly. "You're still the best damn little I've had and I'd wait for years if that meant we could be together."

"School's almost over," he said. "And then I'm gonna go home, will I be able to see you over the summer?"

"I don't know, princess," I said. "I'm from New Jersey."

"Really? So am I!" He exclaimed. "I'm from Belleville!"

"My mom lives probably thirty minutes away and I stay over at her place usually over the summer," I said.

Gee squealed happily, wrapping his arms around me.

"So we'll be able to see each other all summer then," I said.

"Good, I would miss you so much, daddy," he said. "I really like you, you're always so nice."

I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"I really like you too," I said. "You're such a little sweetheart."

I gave him a soft kiss before standing up.

"Let me go to the bathroom and then we can watch tv," I said, heading into the bathroom.

We've been binge watching The Office on Netflix. It was nice, it was like we were a normal couple. We just sit around cuddled up under blankets as we would watch tv.

"I got it set up for you, Daddy," Gee said proudly when I walked back out.

"Good boy," I said, kissing the top of his head.

I went to the fridge, grabbing a beer for myself and a sippy cup of juice for him. Gee pressed play as we snuggled up together and I smiled. Halfway through an episode he realized something.

"I need to work on my art project," he said. "I left it in my dorm, though, is it okay if I go and grab it?"

"Yeah, of course, I'd love to see what  you were working on," I said.

"Okay, I'll be back in just a few minutes," he said.

"Alright, I'll be here," I said.

Gee gave me a soft kiss before he got up, looking out the window to make sure no one was around before  he walked out. I kept the show paused so that way he didn't miss anything as I pulled out my phone. I played a game on my phone, waiting for him to come back.

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