Found You

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I dragged my sword slowly one last time on my victim and burned his body to eradicate his remains. I was once told that only I and the Devil's number one assassin were the only ones who received the gift of fire. I've been around for 22 years, 27 years if we follow the surface's time, but I still haven't seen that infamous assassin. I'm starting to wonder if that person is even real. I'm not conceited but I know I'm one of the best. The best this world has ever seen.

I continued walking on the busy streets of Los Angeles. People were constantly bumping me, but I kind of understand since they're rushing wherever they are headed to. I stopped and spun around a little slowly, trying to look at the different faces of the people. Where are you? Why would you leave me hanging like this?  

I feel someone staring at me. I noticed a hooded figure a meters away, staring at me intently. I stopped and then proceeded to walk. I found an alley a few blocks away, and I hurried my steps towards it. When I finally reached my destination, I spun around and waited for the hooded figure.

"The King has a new mission for you. He wants you in his throne room as soon as possible. He will be giving the orders directly." The hooded figure said and vanished as soon as it finished what it came for. Usually, he just leaves a letter or let his messengers tell me the details about my assignments. Is this new assignment important to him? But, why now? 

This is not a good time. I need to see her. It's been a long time. I've been addicted to her, even when we just talked and saw each other for the first time. I crave her company, scratch that, I crave her. So bad. I'm willing to kill for her, even if it's the Devil that I have to kill. It might be quite impossible, but I'll die trying. I opened a portal to Hell and went through it.

I arrived just outside the door of the throne room. Guards opened it, and I went inside. When I was just a few feet away from the King, I dropped down on one knee and bowed down. "My King, I have arrived. I came as soon as I received your message." 

I didn't move and waited for him to say something. I felt his stare, trying to know something, or maybe already knew something. "Rias, I have a very, very important assignment for you. This assignment needs all your attention, your focus, and your everything. You fail, you die. A painful death and once you do fail, I will personally torture your soul. Am I clear?"

"Yes, your majesty. I understand very clearly. I will make sure I won't ever fail you, my King." He chuckled, quite darkly. 

"Good. For your assignment, it's just simple, but maybe quite hard for you. All you need to do is protect my heir, and eliminate all individuals you deem or she deems a threat. You will make sure to meet all her needs and expectations, including sexual ones. Simple, right?" He stared at me emotionlessly. 

Sexual needs? But, I waited. I waited for a long time to be able to give myself to the one whom I really, really love, care and trust. I can't just give myself to a complete stranger. But, I can't refuse the King also. I'll die and lose the chance of ever meeting her again.

"Father, is what I heard true?" Two figures suddenly appeared in front of me. They both dropped down on one knee and bowed down. The one who spoke stood up after a couple of seconds. 

"My heir, it's quite good seeing you. Of course, I want you to be safe." So, she's the heir, huh? Her posture is quite firm, arrogant, and it exudes confidence. 

"I don't need protection, Father. Much less from a second-ranked one. I can very much take care of myself. I have proven that countless times. The victory that I have achieved with the war of those angels can be a proof for that." The Devil just laughed. 

"I know, my heir. You're my most precious and prized assassin and successor. You're the best amongst the best, I know very much the extent of your capabilities, especially since you're one with Abrael. But, no one, and I mean no one, not even you shall ever question my decisions especially if it concerns your wellbeing." So, she's also the infamous assassin. I didn't know royalty would stoop low to do their own dirty work. 

"You, second-ranked assassin. Better stop that train of thought. I can very much hear you. Father might not have been able to hear, but I'm different. If you don't want to fail without even starting, I suggest you shut your thoughts up. I'm not very tolerant of things, as you can see." I heard the girl next to her chuckled. 

"I'm sorry, Master. I will stop as to not cause you any more displeasure." She suddenly turned around when she heard my voice. When I finally got to see her face, I can't believe what I'm seeing. She stared at me, recognition evident in her eyes.

"Rias, I didn't expect to see you here again. So, you're one of Father's assassin and the excellent one aside from me. What a fucking small world. It'll be a pleasure, I'm sure of it." The girl next to her just scoffed. 

"You're making me jealous here, Jade." She just chuckled and turned back to the King. 

"I'm sorry, Father. I know you only want the best for me. I'm quite thankful that you chose Rias. I wouldn't want anyone other than her." I finally found the courage to speak up directly at her. 

"The pleasure is all mine, Master Jade."

"You're quite acquainted with her, I see. That's good. In that way, you'll be more comfortable." The King continued, addressing us. 

"You can stand now, by the way. I reckon staying in that posture is quite uncomfortable." I just stood up and stared at Jade, specifically her back. 

I finally found you. After all these years, you're here, where I can just stare at you. I'll make sure, I'll be the one to give you everything that you need. I don't care even if it's sexual favors, as long as it's with you, I wouldn't mind, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

YOU (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now