It's Ok

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I watched her sleeping face and traced my fingers on her features lightly. She looks so much at peace when she's sleeping. She might think that I don't know what she's been up to, but I am her mate for goodness' sake, of course, I know. She tries so hard to atone for her mistakes, what good will it bring if she'll just exhaust herself? 

'I thought you two are already asleep. I didn't expect you to be wide awake, my beloved.' I rolled to my side and smacked D's arm lightly. 

"You two are so reckless. If it was possible for me to have a heart attack, I would already have a million of them. Is it done? Are you ok?" I asked her after placing a soft kiss on the area I've just smacked. 

'It is done, but it is far from over. Jade has to decide which people she has to give life to in regards to the supernatural creatures. One thing is for sure, Earth is being inhabited by the humans, as of this moment, right now. Speaking of which, Jade has still some things to do in regards to the current inhabitants. Don't worry, my beloved. Everything is just fine.' D placed a lingering soft kiss on my head before returning inside of Jade.

When people say 'fine', is there really nothing to worry about? Fine is usually a word you would connect with when there's something wrong. It's like this word is something that people would use in order to cover up something. Then again, if someone is really perceptive enough, they would know that 'fine' is like synonymous to 'I'm not, but I'm trying to be'. 

They often say that you can't help someone who does not want to be helped. What if that someone is desperately calling for help, but no one ever heard of it? I often think that most of us or maybe just some, often close our eyes and cover our ears, especially when it counts the most. 

What are we so afraid of? What are YOU so afraid of? Is it rejection? Not everyone will accept you for who you are. Even if no one will, won't your acceptance to yourself will matter most? I just simply hope that, maybe, one day, people would stop using the excuse of 'fine' in order to assure someone that it's ok when in all actuality, it's not.

I wonder if there's something I can do to help this reckless beautiful mate of mine. I can't just sit here and look pretty. I have to do something. I am not this helpless girl that everyone thinks that I am. I was born a fighter. I survived the battlefield, and I am still fighting to survive. I am not that fragile. I won't just simply break from a curveball that life will decide to throw at me. I am flexible enough to adapt to changes.

I looked around the room and smiled when I saw her watching me first thing in the morning. "Good morning, love. Can I exchange a diamond to know what you're thinking about?" She asked in a kind of joking manner. I smiled and shake my head from her silliness.

"I'm thinking about you, love." She raised her eyebrows in question.

"What about me, Rias?" I touched her cheek gently, then traced my finger to her lips.

"Jade, don't be offended, ok love?" She nodded her head hesitantly. 

"It's ok to say that everything is not good right now. It's ok for you to be tired and take a rest. It's ok for you to be angry, to be sad, to want to cry, to want to scream, to want to kill, to just want to hurt someone. It's just alright for you feel these emotions, these feelings that might suffocate you." I settled my hand on her cheek and let my thumb caress it.

"You are allowed to be selfish. You are not bound by these invisible chains that you're putting yourself into. You are free. You have your own will. Maybe, not that free, because there are just laws that we have to follow. If you want to break the law, break it. No one's going to stop you. Though you have to think of the consequences of your actions." I stopped and cleared my throat. It looked like I got off topic.

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