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I stared at them straight in the eyes, patiently waiting for an answer. Though it seems an answer is not what I'll be getting, for they seem too keen to keep their mouth shut. "We are not going anywhere with this. Just answer me." They just shook their heads. 

"How about a no?" Abrael replied in a sassy tone. 

I groaned in frustration. "It's not like it doesn't involve me, it does. I need to know."


As I gazed into the sky, where shooting stars are supposed to pass by, I began to wonder what made life worth living. Someone blocked my view, standing in front of me, looking down and smiled. "Is the night sky so beautiful?" She asked. 

Not as beautiful as you. I thought. What a cliché answer, yet the truth behind it is something that no one can ever take away. "Come, lay down with me. Watch the stars with me, and tell me if the night sky is beautiful." That's what I answered her instead. 

She giggled and laid down beside me, with her head on my chest. I traced different patterns on her back that wasn't covered by her sundress. I answered the question myself. "I actually don't know what's more beautiful. You or this night sky filled with beautiful stars and a radiant moon. When I see this sky, I can see dreams of the people, their smiles, their hope, and their future."

"When I see you, I see the world and everything in it. I can see thousands of galaxies in your eyes, it won't be an exaggeration if I say that the universe is within you. I can see how you light up the world, like the sun, with your smile. The smile that'll make anyone at ease. Your brain that's full of incredible things, strange yet magnificent thoughts. That body anyone would die to have and would kill to have a taste. That stubborn attitude that seems to annoy others, but endears me to no end. Your heart that's so kind, no matter how much they would disappoint you, you would still accept them with open arms. Your soul, a complete opposite of mine, yet it still manages to fit perfectly. I actually lied. You are more beautiful than anything ever existed. I knew that, and that is the truth." 

I can feel her smile, how her facial muscles move through my shirt. She kissed my cheek and my chest where my heart lays. "What has gotten into you?" She asked. 

What has gotten into me indeed? I can't remember a time where I have been like this. "I just realized how much your existence really affects mine. I had an idea, but that's all it was an idea."

She continued gazing the stars with me, yet my attention wasn't on the night sky anymore, after all, if she's here, why would my attention be shifted to somewhere else? "Love, how many kids do you see that we'll have in the future?" She asked all of a sudden. Kids? How many? 

"As many as you want." I answered. As long as she's happy, I don't really mind having a hundred dozen of kids. 

"Love, time is almost up. Is there anything you want to say?" She sat up beside me and gazed down, looking at me with all the love and tenderness she has. I sat up and nodded. I kissed her forehead, next her eyes, then her nose, and lastly her lips. I kissed her innocently, simply putting our lips together, hoping it would get my message across. 

I broke our contact and touched her face tenderly, if by chance she didn't get my message then I'll just say it straight out. "I love you. I'm hopelessly, madly in love with you, Rias. You make my life worth living."

*End of Flashback*

"Why did I have a dream like that?" Dark opened her mouth but, Abrael covered it with her hands. 

"I'll be the one to explain it." She removed her hands from Dark's mouth and released a sigh. 

"It is not for certain but, Rias might not come back. You see, D is doing everything that she can right now to bring Rias back. You might've not noticed this though. D is acting like she's not having a hard time at all. Blood is already coming out of your eyes and nose, that's the proof. It is taking a toll on your body, Jade. D won't rest until she knows that Rias is alive and well."

"Why didn't you tell me any sooner?! I don't give a fuck. Do anything to save Rias, even if it means sacrificing everything that I am. She's my reason, without her, I don't even know what I'd do." I slumped down into the nothingness. 

This is the first time that I'm scared shitless. I have never been afraid of anything. But, losing her, losing my beloved, losing my reason for living, scares the hell out of me, more than I could ever imagine. She gave me a purpose. 

I do know that I still need to care for Vladi, but I just can't do it without her by my side. What's the use of having so much power, when I can't save the one who holds my heart and my soul? God took her away from me. He killed her. He took the one thing that can save me from my own darkness. He paid for it, but it's not enough. The pain of losing my beloved is something I would never forget.

I don't know how many days have passed, but I am fading. Like, literally fading. Not just me, I noticed Abrael and Dark are fading too. 

'Jade, we might cease to exist.' Dark suddenly spoke. 

"It was nice spending my time with you both. I might not be the best company, but I do treasure my time with you." Abrael smiled, like a real, heartwarming smile. 

"You didn't tell us you could smile, Abrael. All this time I thought you were just a fucking cynical bitch." She just huffed in response.

I tried to regain control of my body, but D wouldn't let me. This might be the last time I breathe and I'm inside my head. This is just fucking wonderful. I just want to see Rias for one last time. To be able to gaze into something that I failed to protect. I am on the verge of extinction. My upper body part is the only visible part, and it is turning transparent. I want to kiss you for the last time. This is goodbye.

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