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I went inside a portal that would bring me to the dark angels' realm. When I arrived, a blade was suddenly pointed towards my neck. "You are trespassing here, vampire. Leave now or you'll suffer the consequences." 

I clicked my tongue and huffed in annoyance. "Daniel, I know you can hear me. Save this rat before he dies by my hand." His eye twitched before he can make a move to stab me, Daniel flew down to us. 

The man dropped down on one knee and bowed. "Your highness, I saw this woman trespassing our territory." Daniel hummed in response then turned to me. 

"Jade, it's been awhile. How have you been?" I shrugged in response. 

He turned to his subject again and sighed. "She is not a trespasser. You should've known better than to point your blade towards the heiress of Hell. You gave her a very awful sign of gratitude from saving us from the angels. I am very disappointed." 

The man stuttered a reply. "I-I didn't know, your h-highness. Please f-forgive my i-incompetence." Daniel got his gun out and shot the man on his right shoulder. 

"Leave now, or that might just get worse. You have shamed the dark angels." The man tripped on his feet and flew away without a word.

We walked through the palace halls in silence. I sighed and decided to just break the tension. "It was really fine, Dan. You could've handled it better. You didn't have to shoot him, he didn't have any idea. Don't stress about it, okay?" He just nodded and we continued walking through these empty halls. 

"Angelika is fine. You might've already known this, but she is my daughter's mate. Personally, I don't approve of it. I know how Angelika can be and I fear that she might hurt Vladi, but I care too much of my daughter's happiness, and I can see that Angelika treasures my daughter so. That's why I gave them my blessing. It's funny to think how she went from chasing me to chasing my daughter." We stepped out into their garden and continued walking slowly. 

Daniel released a sigh and his shoulders sagged a little. "I am not silent because of what just happened, Jade. There's just a lot of things in my mind. You know that Angelika is the strongest out of all the dark angels, right?" He looked at me for confirmation and I nodded. 

"She's going to need to sit on the throne, someday. That throne is rightfully hers, do you think she will accept it?" I contemplated my answer for a little bit. Angelika will share her future with Vladi, and I really don't want her to get involved in such things like these. 

"Dan, I think Angelika will accept the throne. I know she can protect Vladi, but if a situation arises that she might not be able to, I know she won't pass up the opportunity of having almost every dark angel protect Vladi. We both know that Angelika has no interest in the throne, but I do know that she will be smart about this one, especially if she plans to get my daughter involve." 

He nodded his head and gave me a small smile. "This is what I love about you." He chuckled. 

"Let Rias hear that, and we'll see what happens to you." I threatened him in a joking manner. 

"Oh, help me. I am afraid. She might burn my soul." He replied in a very dramatic manner. I patted his shoulder and laughed at his antics.

"Why are you really here?" He asked as we sat down on the bench. 

"Remember that ring that I gave you when we first met?" I saw him nod at my peripheral vision. 

"I need that now." He looked at me in confusion. 

"Why?" I opened my palm and released my fire a little. I watched it flicker as it danced on my palm. 

"I need the ring to help me regulate and control my power. I am afraid of losing control again, Dan. I've brought so much destruction. What if one day I hurt Rias or Vladi? I can't have that." I closed my palm, crushing the flame into nothingness. 

"It was justified, Jade. Don't worry, I kept the ring safe." I turned sharply at what he said. 

"Justified? I fucking destroyed a planet, a whole planet. You think that act was justifiable? Innocents died, Daniel. I massacred innocents. Humans and creatures alike. Babies who were just born and did nothing wrong. I stole all of their future." 

Daniel stands up and paces in front of me. He stopped pacing and put his hands on my shoulders. "Yes, you stole everything away from them. It wasn't your fault. God pushed you to do such measures. You were only fighting for your mate. Remember, Jade. All is fair in love and war. You don't have to feel guilty about something you did out of love." 

I shake my head in disagreement. "Daniel, I wasn't raised to be a murderer. If I was taught to kill that's because it has a reason. Killing those innocents without a reason goes against everything that I believed in." He clicked his tongue in annoyance and turned his back against me. 

"Jade, let it fucking go. Accept it. If you think it wasn't justified, then it wasn't. I already told you, it is Rias or them. Your beloved or those innocent people. Who would you choose?" I breathed in deep and exhaled slowly. 

"The answer is obvious, Dan. I will always choose Rias above all else." He turned to me with a smile on his face.

"So, I believe you will start recreating the planet you destroyed and those people?" I nodded in confirmation. 

"All of them?" I shake my head vigorously. 

"Not all of them. I don't know. I might just give life to at the very least 10 creatures of each species. Finding the souls, giving them body, and doing the ritual takes a lot of time and power." He nodded in agreement. 

"No offense, but I hate to be you, Jade." I just nodded at him. I was about to respond a very snarky remark at Daniel when I suddenly heard Yx's frantic voice in my head. 

"Jade, where are you? Rias is gone. I can't find her anywhere. Hurry back!"

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