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The Devil stared at his heir. "Why did you do that, my heir?" He asked gently. Jade looked at her predecessor in shock. Never has he ever spoken to her that gently. 

"It needs to be done, Father. I don't want to subject her into such suffering." He sighed and averted his eyes away from his heir. 

"There are a lot of ways to handle such situation, my heir. What will you do about the others?"

"Are you disappointed in me, Father?" He turned his attention back at Jade. 

"No, far from it, my heir. I am just asking you." Jade sighed in relief. She wouldn't be able to take it if she ever disappointed the Devil. 

"I am currently contemplating if I should just plant some false ones or erase them completely, Father. I don't know which one will be better." The Devil just nodded. He got a book from a bookshelf and opened it in a random page. 

"Whichever you think it is, my heir. Either one works for everyone. Just deal with the aftermath in a refined manner. I don't want troubles resurfacing."

"As you command, Father. I'll make sure of it."

"What about the archangels? What move will you make after?"

"There are two archangels left, Father. I will kill them before they have the chance to procreate. God will be left defenseless and then you'll have heaven." 

He nodded and said, "Good. When are you planning to attack, my heir?" 

Jade gulped down and hoped that the Devil would agree to the date she set. "After I handle the current ones, Father. I'm planning to make the attack a second priority." He just nodded in response at his heir.

Oliver and Augusta, the two remaining archangels, sat at the edge of a cloud, mourning for the lost soul of their fallen brother, Michael. "Shed no more tears, sister. Our brother is lost and suffering right now, but Our Father will help him. He is the Almighty God. We will continue on believing in his power."

"I know, brother. I trust our Almighty Father, but you can never take away from me the extreme pain that I feel. Therefore, I will pass the punishment myself. Jade Dylan Crossfield, a pureblood vampire, and heiress to the Devil's throne will die by my hands."

"Augusta, whatever things you're planning right now, I suggest you stop and rethink about it. I am not just suggesting as your brother here in Heaven, but also as your lover. I already lost my friend, Michael. I can't lose you too, the one whom my heart belongs." 

Augusta touched Oliver's cheek lightly. She kissed Oliver's nose and said, "I already made up my mind, Oli. She will die by my hands. Either you're with me or not, it doesn't matter. My feelings for you won't change." Oliver sighed and leaned at Augusta's touch. 

"I'll always stand by your side, my dear Augusta. Always."

Ken, Arn, Shandril, and Yx are all sitting by the pool. They're all unaware of Jade's presence, lurking in the shadows. They still have no idea that Jade is alive, most definitely well and back. 

Arn couldn't hold his tears any much longer, so he cried at the arms of his beloved. Ken just put a comforting arm around Arn and whispered sweet nothings to him, assuring him of something he has no idea about. "Arn, hush, don't cry. Jade will be fine. She's tough. She might just be recuperating somewhere with her beloved. You never know, she has the weirdest ideas running through her head. So, dry those tears, dear beloved of mine. Trust me, okay? She'll be fine, she's always going to be fine." 

Arn nodded and buried himself further at the arms of Ken. Yx laid his head on Shandril's lap. Shandril absentmindedly raked her fingers through Yx's scalp. "What do you think, sweetheart?" 

Shandril stopped whatever she was doing and stared at Yx intensely. "I don't know, Yx. You tell me. You are closest to her. You were the one who found her head. Tell me. Is there really a chance she'll come back?" 

Yx sighed and made a move to sit up beside Shandril. "Honestly, yes. I do have my doubts, but I believe in Jade. She'll come back. It may take her months or years, but she'll always come back. Jade values friendships, especially the friendship that she has with all of us."

"Then explain to me. Explain how she can come back with a decapitated head. Please, explain to me." Arn yelled suddenly at Yx. Jade almost made a move to comfort her best friend that she treated like a little brother, but she decided against it. 

"I don't know how to explain it, okay? I don't fucking know. I am worried shit out of my mind here, I'm barely keeping it all together." Yx responded in a raised voice. Yx decided to stand up and walk away before anyone can see the tears that are threatening to fall from his eyes. 

Before he could take a step, Arn immediately rushed to his side and held his hand, wanting Yx to not take a step further. "I'm sorry. I know you're worried too. I just can't really help it. I'm way out of line, I'm sorry, Yx." 

Arn released Yx's hand and went back at the arms of Ken. Shandril went to Yx and hug him from the back. Yx couldn't hold it anymore and let his tears out and sobbed. "Let it all out, honey. We're all here for you. You don't have to be the strong one. We're here, I'm here." 

Jade turned away from the scene, not because she's heartless and doesn't care about her friends, but because she cares. She can't take that she's the one causing such grave emotions to her friends. She hoped that in time all her intentions will be understood. So, she walked away.

Rias paced back and forth in their room. When Jade finally came back, Rias attacked her with a hug. "Jade, out of all the things you could've done to her, why chose that one?" Jade broke the hug and walked towards their bed. 

She sighed and dropped her head at her hands. "Like I told Father, it needs to be done, love. Please, understand where I'm coming from. The world can contradict me, but I can't have you doing that. I can't have you disappointed in me, Rias. So, please. Please, love." 

Rias approached Jade and kneel down in front of her. She took her hands away from her head and held them firmly with her own. Jade raised her head enough to look at Rias straight in the eyes. "Jade, love, I understand. I'm not in the slightest bit disappointed in you. I just want to know why." Jade sighed and what happened at Vladi's room played inside her mind like a film.


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