Don't Leave Me

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As Rias was about to fall, Jade's instincts kicked in. She licked the blood on her beloved's wrist then sank her fangs on her neck. She drank two mouthfuls of blood, then retracted her fangs. 

She opened her eyes and it glowed a bright red and black. Then, she sinks her fangs on Rias' chest to inject her venom to fight off the poison. After a couple of seconds, she pulled her fangs back and waited.

Everyone watched as Rias gasped for air in the arms of Jade. D chanted under her breath to make her audience fall asleep. She wanted to be alone with her beloved. Jade used her teleportation to send herself and Rias inside her bedroom in Hell. 

"You're not alone. Who's the other person inside of you?" Rias inquired when Jade settled her in the middle of the bed. 

'I believe we haven't been formally introduced yet, my love. I am simply called D. Jade and I will both be in control of this body from now on.' Rias released a sigh. 

"Just, how many are you? Abrael, you, Dark, how many more?" She asked D. She then noticed a very solemn expression on her beloved's face. 

"Rias, love, D did everything she can to save you, to save me, to save us. I- D and I were the only one who survived while we were trapped inside my head. Abrael and Dark had to sacrifice themselves to ensure that I would live."

Tears fell out of Rias' eyes causing a sob to rack her body. "Hush now, love. It's all to protect you, to love you, and to make you happy. D was the only one strong enough to hold on much longer. There's only two of us now. D will be controlling my body with me. It is my end of the deal." Jade pulled Rias into her and whispered sweet nothings into her ears.

Leaning against the headboard, Jade pulled Rias impossibly closer. "Love, I did something horrible. I- I destroyed Earth. I massacred everyone. Every living thing. I lost control. Seeing you like that, in that form, it drove me crazy. That's how I met D. I couldn't take it, the pain, the grief, the sorrow, just about everything. I was numb, empty. It felt like I was dead. Simply existing, but not living. I couldn't go on any longer."

"My responsibility to my kingdom, my daughter, my parents, my friends, every little thing, it didn't matter, especially when you were gone. I am really sorry. I know that sorry is never going to be enough for all the things that I've done, but still, I want to apologize. Please forgive me, my love." Jade dropped her head at the crook of her beloved's neck, and let her tears spill from her eyes. 

"Please don't hate me, my love. Please forgive me. Please don't leave me." She whispered again and again on her shoulders. The tears won't just stop flowing. Those broken whispers then turned to sobs. 

Rias thought Jade was stunning, but she was absolutely beautiful when she cries. It is also the first time for Rias that Jade let herself be vulnerable in front of her. Jade always prided herself to be a strong, independent woman. Rias seeing Jade in that state makes her happy and sad at the same time. Happy, that Jade finally let herself be taken care of. Sad, that the thought of hate or leaving even crossed Jade's mind.

All of the exhaustion caught up with Jade and she fell asleep on her beloved's arms with a tear-stained face. Rias moved them from their previous position so that Jade can cuddle with her. 

For tonight, she wanted to be Jade's protector. She wanted to do things that normally Jade would do to her, for her. This is a big step for both of them. She wanted to be everything that Jade could ever need in her life as if that's not already the case. 

She wanted to prove something. She can also comfort Jade, protect her, be the one to stand up for her, take all the pain, the sadness, just about everything.

After the long walk, Yx came back only to find everyone on the ground. When his eyes found his wife's form, he immediately rushed to her side to check if she's okay. He released a relieved sigh when he discovered that she's just unconscious. Still, he's baffled why everyone looks like they just suddenly dropped dead on the floor. 

 He looked around and found no sign of Rias and Jade. His mind raced and came with the conclusion that they have been kidnapped. He sniffed the air for any foreign scent but found none. He lets out a growl of frustration and transformed into his wolf. 

He ran around the perimeter hoping the kidnapper didn't get that far since he's carrying two people. When he reached the end of the border he howled into the darkness. The howl was full of sadness, pain, and anger. 

Yx thinks he failed Jade over and over again. Not just Jade, but also his wife, his daughter. Thankfully, the kids were put into a separate room where they could just play and never wonder about the adults' problems, with the exception of Vladi. Poor little girl, he thought.

"You always managed to bring out the best and the worst in me, Rias. I don't deserve your love, but even if that's the case, would you still love me? Is it okay for me to love you still? I can stay away from you, try my hardest to die and never experience another life again, I can do anything, anything you ask of me as long as it makes you happy." 

"I am a monster, Rias. Knowing that I don't deserve you at all, you probably hating me, hurts. It hurts more than anything. I am willing to accept any of that. Your happiness is, will always be my first priority. So, go on. Tell me to get lost, tell me to die, forbid me to ever see you again, and I will accept it. I deserve that punishment for the monster that I am." Jade said while kneeling at the side of the bed, head down and tears threatening spill from her eyes again. 

She built up so much courage just so she can tell her beloved all these things, all these facts. She felt hands on her cheeks and her head being raised. Rias looked down on her broken lover and smiled lovingly at her. 

"Love, sorry to tell you this, but you're stuck with me as long as I'm alive. If you think that you don't deserve me, my heart, then you're dead wrong. As a matter of fact, you're the only one who deserves it. I am a monster too, you don't have to suffer on what happened all on your own." 

"I'll carry your burdens with you, love. You are not the only one who has blood on their hands, remember that. No one is innocent in all of this. I don't want another version of you, a you that is not really you. We all have dark sides, and I am in love with yours. I want you to stay true to yourself. I am happy if you are, Jade. That has always been the case. Let me protect you from your own demons, your own fears." Rias wiped Jade's tears with her thumbs and kissed her eyes one by one, lingering a little longer than necessary.

When Yx finally went back to where everyone was, he noticed them standing with confused looks on their faces. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get a word out, Jade and Rias appeared out of nowhere. He screamed like a schoolgirl and run to the opposite side. 

Jade raised her eyebrows and appeared in front of Yx. "Why the fuck-" 

Yx punched Jade on the face and she just stood there like a statue. Everyone gasped in shock. When Yx got out of his trance, he apologized profusely at Jade. Jade just shrugged it off and laughed so hard. 

"Dude, what got you like you're about to piss your pants?" Jade managed to say between her laugh. Yx has an unamused expression on his face. 

"I've been so damn worried about you!! Give me a rest, will you." Jade smiled at him then began explaining what really happened to everyone.

Vladi laid her head at the lap of Rias. Rias just leaned her back at the tree and made sure that Vladi got under its shade. Jade watched them from the balcony and wonder how she got so lucky. She doesn't remember ever doing good in her life that would reward her with this. 

'Jade, we still have a lot of people to bring back, new dimensions for your plans, a new system, and a planet to reconstruct. Rest well.' That was D's message to Jade before D decided to rest and hopefully gain back her strength.

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