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'Jade, that was way out of line.'

"Shut up, Dark. She deserves it."

'Not only did she erase the memory of Jane's torture from Vladi's, but she also erased her entire existence. How will we explain to Vladi how she became part wolf?'

"Well, we can just put false memories in everyone with the exception of Rias. Everyone who knew Jane will have the memory that she was kidnapped and brought to death by some hunters. Especially, Jane was kidnapped after she brought Vladi to the world, since it is the perfect timing to snatch her since she'll be so weak."

"That is actually much better, Abrael. I'll do just that." I nodded my head agreeing to Abrael's suggestion.

'You aren't getting the point!! Our daughter doesn't deserve such lies. It'll break her the moment she knows the truth.'

"She won't ever know, Dark. I won't let that happen. What do you want me to do? Just erase the torture from her mind? She'll be wondering for the fucking rest of her life why her mother didn't visit her anymore. That will break her, much more than you think. This is the only thing I can do for my daughter. Do you want me to subject her into such neverending suffering? It's best that I erased Jane's existence from her mind, and put some false memories to everyone that Jane met and knew. That way, I won't be having a hard time explaining things to Vladi."

'What about Rias? Won't you erase her memories and do the same to her?'

"Fuck, no. Rias deserves to know my bad side. I'm not hiding anything from her."

"Chill, guys. Don't worry too much about these things. Father said we need to deal with this in a refined manner. So, no fighting. It's getting quite old."

'Your face is the one getting quite old, bitch.'

"Bitch, we look the same. So, your face is old too."

"I don't look old though. I'm pretty sure of that. It might just be because the mirror is tired of you that's why you two look old?"

'That doesn't make any sense. A mirror is an inanimate object. How can a mirror be tired of this face?'  Dark asked seriously while pointing at her face. 

"I actually agree with Darky here, Jade. Have you seen me? No one would ever get tired of this face, not even a thing."

'Darky? Who the fuck gave you the right to alter my name? Do you want me to fucking start calling you Bitchy?'

"The only bitchy here is you, Darky. I can do whatever the hell I want. Don't forget, it takes a bitch to know one."

"Um, guys. We should just stop arguing over who's a bitch or not, Rias is laughing her beautiful ass up. She thinks all three of us are bitches. Her words, not mine."

'I don't mind she's my mate, after all.' 

"I don't mind she's my mate, after all."  They both said simultaneously. 

'Bitch, my mate, not yours. Find another one.'

"No, you fucking find another one. She's mine."

"Okay, guys. Calm down. I am the beloved of you three. I love you all the same. So, let's all be friends, okay? If I hear another argument, I am banning you all from sex and you will sleep on the couch."  Rias suddenly spoke in my mind. When her words finally sank in, my mouth went agape. 

"Love, you can't do that to me. Why should I be ban from sex and sleep on the fucking couch when I have not argued with them?"

'I am completely innocent, dearest Rias.'

"Darky started it, beloved of mine."

"My decision is final. Argue and no sex and sleep on the couch for a millennia. I am incredibly serious." *sigh* The three of us just nodded. Dark and Abrael shake hands while trying to break each other's bones. 

"Oh, and love, please come back to the bed already. I miss you."

"Soon, love. I'm almost done with the ritual."

"You've been doing that ritual for 6 hours already. Did Dark and Abrael help you? They were just arguing in the background."

"You're so rude, beloved of mine. I am helping Jade while trying to prove a point to Darky."

'Stop calling me Darky.' Dark glared at Abrael for the last time before answering Rias.

'I understand that you'll assume something like that, dearest Rias. But, I assure you I am doing the best that I can to help. Tampering a lot of people's minds like that takes a lot of energy and concentration. By distracting Jade, we're helping her focus and not be lost by the power that is being released that will possibly make her go berserk. She needs balance, and we're here to help her with that.'

"And I thank you for that. I know you can get out of Jade's body, Dark. I know that you, Abrael, also learned the trick while keeping Jade's body perfectly intact and well. Maybe, just maybe, we can have celebratory sex. So, keep up the good work." With that parting message, Rias' presence vanished in my mind. Replaced by numerous images and chatter by Dark and Abrael on what to do with the celebratory sex.

I exhaled a deep sigh of relief and dropped down to the ground with my knees. I'm finally done with the ritual and it took me 8 hours to finish. Dark and Abrael already passed out for the last hour since it was draining us so bad. Fortunately, I reserved a lot of energy, and I managed to finish it. But now, I can't use either of my body parts or my abilities, which sucks, big time. 

I badly need blood, it would be much better if I have my beloved's blood, or I would probably be sleeping for a week trying to recuperate and regain perfect control over things. It would be a very bad idea because the ritual needs the caster to be stable for two days so that it would go perfectly well and won't cause any future problems.

Fuck!! I am Jade Dylan Crossfield for goodness' sake. I won't let my abilities nor my body hinder me from achieving what I want to achieve.  I breathed in deep and summoned every last bit of my energy and focused on getting out of this dimension that I created and into the civilization.

I dropped down to the ground and luckily, some stranger found me lying down in the cold ass street. "Miss, are you okay?" The moment she was close enough to me, I immediately attacked her and drained her of every last bit of blood in her system. I wiped away the blood that was dripping from my mouth and I can feel myself regaining a bit of my energy.

I walked into a club and looked for a pretty good prey. "Hey there, sexy." I grinned and faced the woman. I winked at her and touched her cheek. She shuddered at my touch. I used my compulsion and compelled her to let me drink her blood willingly. She offered her neck to me and I immediately sink my fangs in.

After I was done with my second meal, I walked out of the club and sat on the sidewalk. "Hey, why're you looking so lonely?" I faced the stranger and gave her a blank stare. 

"Jade? Is that you? Do you remember me? It's me Iris. Iris Volkov." I raised my eyebrows. 

"Who the fuck are you talking to? I don't know you and I don't know who this Jade is. I suggest you leave me alone because I'm not in the mood to talk to someone." She mumbled an apology and I just brushed her off. 

"I'm really sorry. It's just that you look exactly like her. I should've known since it's been 10 years. You look homeless, so, umm, can I offer you a place to stay? I really would appreciate it if you'll be my company." I shrugged my shoulders. I stand up and motioned for her to lead the way.

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