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Jade carried Rias bridal style and put her on the couch at the corner of her office. Jade was slowly coming back to herself, slowly, but still not enough. Rias just continued staring at Jade and didn't even bother covering herself. 

Jade stripped her dress shirt and gave it to Rias for her to wear. She went to the window at the back of her desk and looked at the scenery outside. She executed her breathing exercises, trying to regain control of herself, taking advantage of the darkness that is slowly taking its leave. 

Though her mind is still feeling fuzzy, and her memories on what happened after she was complaining about Jane is completely blank, she just hopes that she'll remember after she gains total control of her body again.

"Dark, Abrael, what the fuck happened? I feel a very big headache coming. Nevermind, the headache is here, and it's nowhere near pleasant. I fucking feel like my skull has been cracked open." Jade complained to Darka and Abrael.

'Jade, you piece of shit. Where were you, we were fucking trapped inside. Actually, the headache is affecting us too. Rias has been worried, you fucking dumbass.' Dark gripped the side of her head while trying to scold Jade.

"Dark, stop fucking cursing. You're making my headache fucking worse than it already is. How nice of you to join us again, Jade. Where have you been loitering around?" Jade raised her eyebrows at what Abrael said. 

"I was here? I can't remember anything. Everything is blurry. All I remember is standing by the window looking at the scenery. That's the view I came to. I lost all of my senses except for my sight."

'YOU WHAT?!'  

"YOU WHAT?!"  They shouted simultaneously, causing another wave of undeniable and excruciating headache for Jade. She gripped her head and screamed, though she can't feel the touch of her fingers nor hear the sound of her scream, she just knows that it's there. 

Rias immediately went to hug Jade, wrapping her hands around Jade's waist, enclosing her and trying to comfort her. But, Rias' efforts are useless, unbeknownst to her. She just hugs Jade tightly hoping that she'll be fine.

They were suddenly flung across the room when someone kicked Jade out of nowhere. "You fucking bitch! You killed all of my beloved brothers and sisters. You will be punished for the sins you've committed. I, the high archangel, Michael, will now pass judgment to thee, princess Jade Dylan Crossfield of the Vampires, for committing atrocious crimes towards my fellow angels. Not only did she kill them, but she also sent them to the forbidden place, the Abyss. She has greatly upset the balance and order of the universe. I, as the representative of the remaining three angels in our species, will now deliver the punishment set out for this villain. She is hereby to die by my Sword of Light, as voted by the other two archangels. May God bring you peace, you little lost lamb that was led astray by the Devil. May you be reincarnated as a human and live your life spreading the preaches and praises of God, our Father." 

The archangel made the sign of the cross and materialized his sword. The sword was indeed worthy of its name. It was, after all, made nothing but light. Jade's eyes were unfocused, though she was just staring attentively at Michael. Rias saw the sword and immediately got in front of Jade as Michael threw the sword towards Jade. Jade's instincts told her to push Rias out of the way, and that she did. 

The sword managed to pierce through her heart. Her knees buckled and she was kneeling in front of a smirking archangel. "Don't worry, little lost lamb. God, our Father has already forgiven you for your sins. May you rest in peace." 

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