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I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed her away harshly. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!?" Before I could hear her excuse, my head was suddenly attacked by immense pain. 

"AH!! FUCK!!" I screamed and curled myself into a ball while grasping my head with my hands trying to somehow ease the pain. 

"Eris, are you okay?" I shake my head and it seems that I'm worsening it by doing so. 

'Jade, let us out.' Someone suddenly said in my head. 

"Who the fuck are you? Why are you in my head?"

"That's not the right way to greet me, to greet us, Jade." Another voice suddenly replied. 

"Just tell me who you guys are. I am not Jade. My name is Eris. Stop bothering me. You're only here to bring me pain. Get out!"

"Bitch, we're not d-" 

Before she could finish her sentence, I build up a wall on my mind and shut the voices out. I breathed out a sigh of relief. The pain was almost gone, but there is still a lingering sting around random places. 

"Eris?" Iris called my name quite unsure. I released my head from my tight grip and made a move to stand up. I stumbled a few times, but I finally made myself stand upright. 

"I'm fine, Iris. Don't worry about me. Don't ever kiss me again. You have no right, and I felt I was doing wrong to someone by your act. I'll sleep here downstairs. You go back up." She nodded in uncertainty and left me alone.

I got my wings out and flew at the top of a building. "Who am I? What exactly am I? Who is this woman that keeps on popping inside of my head? Why can't I remember anything but her face?" 

I heard someone approaching me, but I just ignored it. "You are really rude, Jade." 

I turned around and faced the intruder with so much anger in me. "I am not Jade, you fucking dimwit. My name is Eris."

"No, no, no. Your name is Jade. I'm sure of it."

"How many times do I have to say this before you people can get it? I. AM. NOT. JADE."

"You are Jade. You helped me, my kingdom, with the war with the angels. Don't you remember me? Daniel? The prince of the Dark Angels?" I shake my head in response. Is this guy for real? *sigh* Why can't he take the hint and fuck off? *sigh* I am not Jade for fucking goddamn bullshit's sake. I am Eris, Iris named a couple of minutes ago. 

"Why in the name of Hell don't you remember me? Man, I'm deeply hurt by it. I am your buddy. Why the fuck would you even forget me?"

"It is not a choice of mine, you fucking dimwitted chicken. I woke up with no memories. I just trust my instincts to guide me through things right now. I don't even know what exactly I am."

"That's easy. You're a vampire, Jade, er, I mean, Eris. A royal one at that. Haven't you figured that out already by the crazy thirst of blood you have?"

"I figured that part out, but I don't think vampires have wings, mismatched one at that. So, I scratched my initial idea of me being a vampire. It doesn't make sense."

"You, forgetting me doesn't make sense. Like seriously, I would understand if you would forget everything including your beloved, but not me."

"Beloved? What's that? Were you important to my life? Because I would seriously doubt that. I doubt you were important enough for me not to forget you. I'm not exactly keen on having something with men, especially, with men like you."

"You are clearly crossing the line, but, anyways, I came here to make sure you're fine. I won't say anything about what you just said because it did hurt me and my ego. I know I'm very handsome and women would fall to their feet just to have me. You just certainly did give me a reality check when it comes to you and it makes me want to sulk in my room." 

"A beloved is someone destined to be yours. Someone you'd cherish and protect and love with everything that you've got. Jade, er, Eris, you are clearly mated already. You can check in the mirror and see that mark in your neck, by your collarbone. I am sorry, I'm not much of a help, and I'm really hurt. I'll just inform your beloved about your whereabouts so, she can come and retrieve you. Nice seeing you fine, buddy." He jumped at the edge of the building then flapped his wings to soar higher to the sky and fly away from me. He is incredibly weird. Never knew his ego was that big. I shrugged my shoulders and flew back to Iris.

Before I could open the door, I can feel that there's someone other than Iris, and I can hear them screaming at each other. I opened the door and suddenly all the screaming stops. I walked towards Iris and noticed a woman with her arms above her head and her mouth is agape. "Jade?" She asked with a tone of disbelief. 

I shake my head no. "I'm not Jade. My name is Eris." The woman looked at Iris and looked back at me. She stared at me up and down. She then nodded to herself. 

"Arisa, where the fuck are you looking?" Iris sudden question made the woman jump. So, her name is Arisa. Quite rude of her not to introduce herself. I stepped closer to Iris, blocking Arisa from her view, and brought my face at the side, towards her ear. 

"I'm sorry for the behavior that I've shown you earlier. I hope you forgive me." Before I make my way to her room, I deposited a kiss on her cheek and left them two to discuss things.

I laid on the soft mattress trying to relax my tense muscles. I closed my eyes recalling the image of a woman. To my surprise, it did relax me and gave me like euphoric feeling. As I continue imagining the woman, I was suddenly dragged out of the bed and thrown out into the window. I opened my eyes and saw two angels hovering over my falling form. "You will die tonight for killing our brothers and sisters." Claimed the woman. 

"We'll make sure to put your soul into the Abyss, little vampire." The man said after kissing the woman on her forehead.

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