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"NO!!" Jade screamed. Every power that she has been withholding came out of her body. Her wings sprout out of her back. She grew two horns on her head and a tail that whipped the earth mercilessly. 

"YOU ARE NO GOD TO ME!! YOU WILL PAY!!" She hollered at the man in white. 

The man just watched her passively. He knows in his heart that what he did was right and he knows that the lost sheep won't be able to kill him, after all, he is God. Who would be able to kill a god? A mere lost sheep won't do any good. At the very least, he already punished the person responsible for killing his beloved children.

The earth cracked to its outer core because of the force that Jade's power is expelling, making the planet shake violently. 

"Everyone, get inside this portal now. It will take you to my realm. From there, we will go to Hell." Angelika shouted. Everyone except the Devil scurried to the portal. 

"Your Majesty?" The Devil shook his head. 

"I will go there on my own. Protect them." He ordered and then he vanished. 

"Always, Your Majesty." After Angelika said those words, she went inside the portal.

Tears of blood flowed down Jade's face, dropping down to the earth and making it weep in pain. Pieces of the Earth slowly crumbles and moves farther and farther away.

"Dear child, I command you to stop. You already destroyed Earth, making it lose quite a big chunk out of it." God ordered Jade. She ignored him deliberately and focused on Rias' body. 

She deposited a kiss on her forehead. She stepped away from her body and screamed so loud that half of the Earth gave away and drifted into space in unrecognizable pieces.

Everyone didn't notice, including the Devil, that Vladi touched his hand before going inside the portal. "Ika, let's hurry to Hell. I have to show you, all of you, something." Everyone stopped at their tracks and looked at her curiously. 

"Vladi, we can stop and rest here first. It has been a long journey, especially for people like you who went inside a portal for the first time." Angelika responded. 

"No, we will go now!" Vladi stomped her foot on the ground to emphasize her seriousness on the matter. 

Yx stepped in and voiced out what has been on everyone's mind lately since they were rushed into the portal. "Vladi, did something happen to Jade and Rias? What's the reason why we need to go to Hell as soon as possible?"

"Daddy is destroying everything, including the planet itself. It's because God killed mommy. Daddy can't control herself right now. We need to go to Hell to be safe. This realm might get affected and won't last much longer. Hell is the only safe place for us. Isn't it ironic?"

The Devil watched from above as his heir continuously overpowering God little by little subtly. "My heir, your suffering will end soon. Don't worry, I'll be here with you. I'll help you, then you can succeed my throne. Kill God for me first, so that everything will come after. Lift my curse for me, my heir. That is an order from your beloved King and Father." He whispered to the wind and then he went back to Hell.

Rias watch as her beloved is suffering in grief and sorrow, mourning for her death. "Love, don't lose yourself!" She shouted, but not even her love-filled voice can reach the darkness that is slowly consuming Jade's heart.

She punched and punched but her fists has no effect on him. She added every element she knows in every attack she made, but nothing seems to be working. "I am no God to you, but I am a God to everyone. You can't defeat me, lost one. Everything has already been set to stone. You are destined to die by my hands to repent for your sins."

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