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Due to my shock, I didn't have the time to release my wings and my back slammed hard on the ground, creating a big crack beneath me. I hit my head pretty hard and I feel like I'm seeing stars. 

"You killed Michael by being this weak?" The woman spat at me. 

I tried sitting up with my aching and shaking body, but it seems that I don't have much strength to do that. Move you fucking goddamn body of mine! I angrily thought to myself. The man approached me with his fist from above. He slammed his fist into my abdomen, making a hole and manifesting a light in his fist, piercing me on both sides from the inside. 

He made use of his wings to get more impact to his punch. He got his fist out and gave me a tight-lipped smile. "You should've died in the war, or at least got Michael to finish you off." I opened my mouth to reply, instead blood made its way out. 

I saw the woman manifesting a spear made of light in the sky, then out of nowhere, the man threw me into the sky to the direction of the woman. Before she could pierce me with her weapon, I released my wings and tried to stop the momentum and fly away from them. "You can't run away from us, you murderer." The woman screamed at my back. I ignored her and focused on trying to fly away from them to find some blood to help me heal and restore at least some of my strength.

The woman caught my right wing and threw me straight to the ground. They just fucking love throwing me. I wouldn't mind if that woman throws me down to the bed, but when it comes to this ground, I'm having an issue with it. I coughed up blood and spit it out of my mouth. 

"That's all you got, you fucking bitch?" I asked the woman with a bloody smirk on my face. 

She grinned at me evilly and said, "Nope, just a tip of the iceberg, weakling."

I don't even know why they're attacking me. Killed Michael? Killed their brothers and sisters? Are they mental? I don't even know what they're talking about. How can I even kill those people that they are accusing me of? I just basically been alive for quite a few hours now. "I'm no weakling, you fucking chicken wings!" 

The grin was easily wiped off the woman's face, replaced by a look that looks so fucking hilarious to me. I started laughing, forgetting for a while that I have a gaping hole on my abdomen until the laugh was replaced by a coughing fit full of blood.

The man grasped my neck with his right hand, choking the hell out of me and bringing me a few feet away from the ground. He made sure that my back is facing the woman on the sky, flapping her wannabe chicken wings.

Another woman suddenly appeared out of nowhere and punched the man who was holding me. His grip on me loosened and I dropped to the ground, again. The woman didn't waste any time and set the man on fire. The woman approached me, but before she could touch me, she was thrown a couple of feet away from where I was. The remaining angel backhanded the woman who helped me. When I realized what just happened, I began seeing red.

I ignored the hole on my stomach and stood up on my shaking feet. I caught the angel off-guard by holding her wings and ripping it out of her back. She dropped down to her knees and cried in pain. She wailed and attacked with her spear. My eye twitched and I backhanded her.

I collapsed to the ground due to extreme nausea and pain that I'm feeling. The strange woman got to her feet and stabbed the remaining angel repeatedly. She butchered her like there's no tomorrow then burned the angel to crisps. 

I can suddenly feel myself fading away, tempted to surrender myself to the darkness. Is this what death feels like? Am I going to die? After living for quite a few hours, is death really inevitable for me?

The woman approached me and crouched down to my level. She caressed my face and brushed my stray strands away from my face. She looked at me with a pained expression in her eyes. Like, somehow, she also feels my pain and suffering with me. She wounded herself a little on her neck, then guided my head into it, instructing me to drink her blood.

I opened my mouth and got my fangs out. I licked her wound then pierced it with my fangs. While I'm drinking the woman's blood, moving images, her thoughts, and feelings started flowing into my head.

*Scene One*

She's so beautiful. She intrigues me. Is she possibly my mate? If it is her, would she accept me when she knows that I'm not just an ordinary demon, that I do most of the Devil's dirty work? Do I even deserve even just a little bit of her? I hope to see you again, Jade Dylan Crossfield.

I watched as Rias continued staring at the girl beside her, her thoughts flowing into my mind like my own. The girl beside her just went back to her sleep, not knowing that her companion is wide awake and doing something she wouldn't even know.

*End of Scene One*

*Scene Two*

I stared at Rias as she was watching Vladi and Ange playing together. "Ika, come on. Run faster." Vladi said through giggles. Ange slowed down her run a little, for Vladi not to notice and to make the game more fun. 

Vladi runs to the direction of Rias and hid behind her back. "Mommy, come and join us. I promise you that you won't be the it."

"Hey, that's so unfair to me." Ange hollered. 

Vladi and Rias just laughed. "Okay, okay, I'll join. After this, promise me that you'll rest. Do you promise?" Vladi nodded eagerly. 

"Run, mommy, run."

*End of Scene Two*

I retracted my fangs and rested my head at the crook of her neck. I inhaled her scent and relished at the feeling that it gave me. "Rias?" She nodded her head. 

"Jade, you're alright. I almost lost you." I leaned back and held her face. I looked straight into her eyes and sighed. 

"Rias, I'll always be fine."

As we are enjoying the moment, my wounds are healing, my memories are coming back, my strength is not really on its average level, but I'll be fine. It won't fuck up the ritual that I did. Before I could process the hell that happened, Rias is already lying still on the ground with blood flowing out of her body.

As the lightning light up the sky, thunder roared through it. A man in white appeared a few feet away from us. "This is your punishment. You, Jade Dylan Crossfield, has killed all of my beloved angels. If it weren't for you, your beloved wouldn't kill Oliver and Augusta, and she wouldn't die."

"YOU!!" I stared angrily at the person most people call God. 

"MY PUNISHMENT?! WHO ARE YOU TO DECIDE THAT?! Your angels, of course, they are FUCKING important to you. You didn't even bat an eyelash when you killed my beloved. Then you have the nerve to call yourself a God?! You're no God to me!! You're nothing but a murderer!! You only want things that will benefit you, you never cared for your angels."

I properly laid Rias on the ground. "I will avenge you, my beloved. Just wait for me." She slowly brought her hand to my face. "Don't bother, love. I can feel myself fading. Live your life. Find a wife that'll make you the happiest person ever. Don't let my death put you into a never-ending misery. I beg you, Jade."

"You can't ask me such things, Rias. You're the only one for me. How could I ever be happy when you're not there beside me? How can you ask me to live my life, when I don't even know how without you there to teach me all about breathing? How can you suggest that I don't need to bother when everything I always wanted was to be involved with everything that concerns you? You can't fade away, you need to wait, and I'll save you. Please, love." She smiled at me then closed her eyes as her hand that caressed my face drops to the ground.

"No, no, no, no, no. Rias. Rias, open your eyes. RIAS!!"

'Dearest beloved of mine, you will not die in vain.'

"Rias, that false God will pay. I promise you this."

"NO!!" I screamed. Every power that I've been withholding came out of my body. My wings sprout out of my body. I grew two horns on my head and a tail that whipped the earth mercilessly. 


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