Part 5

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Lucy's POV:

After falling we landed on level 4 now, known as the burning heat hell. "IT'S SO HOT!" I complained "I thought tentrou island was crazy got but this is worse!" I added "HOT! HOT! HOT! MY FEET ARE BURNING!" luffy complained "you all are going about this all wrong, you just need to clear you mind and then even the heat can be a friend" bon said "not happening here" I said pulling my hair into a ponytail "it may be a bit hotter here then on level 3, we'll actually alot hotter...I FEEL LIKE I'M BURNING!" bon screamed "your suffering the most here!" All of us yelled "THIS WAY!" I heard luffy shout and he took off "WAIT! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" I yelled after him "the kitchen! Great idea straw boy I'm starving! Let's go straw girl!" Bon said leaping away and I ran after them. By the time I caught up to them all I heard was "MEGALIN!" bon shouted "megalin! Has in the warden of this prison?!" I yelled "You all have disgraced the name of my prison for to long! I know what your after straw hat luffy, but you will never save porces d ace!" He said laughing "I will save him! And ace, Lucy, and me will all escape together to!" Luffy shouted 'why did he say my name' I thought "so that's her name, now we can figure out who she is" magelin said "opps" luffy said "OPPS! IS THAT ALL YOU CAN SAY!" i screamed "Well they would've found of eventually anyway right?" Luffy asked "THAT'S NOT THE POINT! MIGHT AS WELL JUST SAY MY WHOLE NAME FOR THEM NOW!" i screamed "I'm not that dumb" luffy defended "are you two done?" He asked "straw boy! Straw girl! We have to run! And make a break for level 5!" Bon yelled "all of the exits are already blocked off. Each is guarded" he said "We have no choice but to fight then!" I yelled "straw girl! No! We have to run we can't defeat him!" Bon said "I have to save ace! He would do the same for me!" I said "how sweet, shame none of you will survive this" he said "yes we will!" Luffy shouted "QUICK STRAW BOY! STRAW GIRL! THIS WAY! HURRY! WE CAN ESCAPE THIS WAY!" Bon screamed grabbing my arm and pulling me "NO! BON! LET ME GO!" I shouted "after this well have a long talk about how both made it this far" megalin said "I'LL NEVER TELL YOU!" Luffy yelled "BON LET ME GO! LUFFY!" I yelled "BON! KEEP LUCY SAFE FOR ME!" Luffy shouted then magelin attacked unleashing poison everywhere. We all ran with bon still pulling me. Bon turned and we ended up separated from luffy. "We have to go back for him!" I demanded "we can not straw girl, Megan is to powerful, straw boy asked me to keep you safe and I will. We can not defeat that man he's to powerful" bon said. I looked back but what I saw was something terrible

 I looked back but what I saw was something terrible

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 "LUFFY!" I screamed trying to run to him

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 "LUFFY!" I screamed trying to run to him. But Bon kept a tight hold on me. "LET ME GO! HE NEEDS ME! LUFFY!" I screamed "straw girl you need to calm down, we will save him but first we need a plan." Bon said "HE'S RIGHT THERE! COVERED IN POISON! HE'S SUFFERING RIGHT NOW! JUST LET ME GO! WE'VE BEEN SEPARATED BEFORE I WON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!" I shouted "I understand that but right now the best thing we can do for straw boy is find an antidote, so let's find buggy and Mr 3 and take it from there. We will save him." Bon said. After a bit we found buggy and Mr 3, bon had me hide while he put his plan into action. After megalin came, bon got buggy along with Mr 3 and me in a private room. Where he came up with a plan to save Luffy. 

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After the plan failed he came back. "You should give up on saving him and escape now while we can" buggy said "He's as good as dead by now, it would nothing short of a miracle to save him" Mr 3 said "a miracle you say? Yes! That's it! The miracle worker Iva! Is somewhere here On level 5! Let's go everyone" bon said cheerfully "ALRIGHT! Let's save Luffy this time!" I said and bon bundled us up in prison gear and was having escorted to level 5, where told them we were being transferred to. Bon was reading the list and asked one guard about iva, and he told us a creepy story of how people just disappeard. Once at the door, it was already freezing and they made us remove our coats along with bon to. Once we stepped threw the door it was nothing but cold snow and just freezing!

End of this part!

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