Part 25

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Sorry for any misspellings, just typed this within like an hour.

With Fairy Tail And Ace

Erza's POV: 

We've been traveling threw the ocean for a couple hours now to reach this place Ace said is called Fishman Island. He said that's Lucy and Luffy's first stop on their new adventure. Natsu and Wendy have been laying down sick. Gray and I take turns checking up on them. "Are you guys hungry?" Ace called out to us. "No, im ok thank you." I said "Same here" Gray yelled out. Then Ace jumped over to our ship. "So tell me about yourselfs" He said. "You should tell us first" I said "ok then, Im Portagus D Ace, Luffy's older brother and Lucy's brother in law. Second Devision Cammander of the White Beard Pirates. I ate the Flare-Flare Fruit, so now I have the power of fire. And i'm 22 years old." Ace explained "Im Gray Fullbuster. Im a member of the Fairy Tail Guild, also a member to the same team as Lucy. I use ice-make magic taught to me by my late teacher Ora. I am 20 years old." Gray explained. "I am Erza Scarlet. Also a member of the Fairy Tail Guild as well as a member to the same team as Lucy. I use re-equip magic. I am 21 years old." I explained abit. "Re-equip magic?" Ace questioned "I can summon different types of armor and weapons I have stored away at anytime I need" I said "And I'm Happy" Happy said coming out of the room along with Carla. "So a talking flying cats" Ace said looking at Happy and Carla. "Yes, they are exceeds" I explained "Never seen anything like them before" Ace said getting closer to them looking confused. "Well not suprising, they live and exsit in Fiora" I said. "So what about the other two? Who are they?" He said "Natsu and Wendy. They are both members of our guilds, and apart of our team. They both are dragon slayers. They use dragon slayer magic tought to them by the dragons who raised them. Natsu was raised by Igneel, a fire dragon. Wendy was raised by Grandena, a sky dragon." I explained "WHAT?!" ace yelled suprised "Both of they're dragons disappeared back on July, 7th year 777. It was during our last battle together with Lucy against Taturous that they saw their Dragons again. After that they were gone again." I said "After that fight, is when our guilde disbanded and we all went our seperate ways. That fight took a toll on us all. We barely managed to survive." Gray said "Yea thats true, dont forget Lucy had to face alot of member of Taturous alone when we all were stuck inside that stuff" Happy said "That she did, and she saved us all. She sacrafaced something that meant the world to her, to save us" I said "Aquarius" Gray said "Her moms celestial key?!" Ace asked shocked "Yes, by sacrafacing her, she was able to summon the Celestial Spirit King and save us all" I said. "Lucy" Ace said. "Captain! We're approaching Fishman Island!" Some of Aces crew mates called out "Alright! Get ready to land!" Ace shouted. "Once were inside we'll find out if they're still here or not" Ace said, we all just nodded.

Once inside Fishman Island I couldnt believe my eyes. Mermaids, Mermen, Fishman of all different types. This is island is breath taking. "Lets wake up Natsu and Wendy and start looking for answers." I said. "GROUND! OH SWEET GROUND! I MISSED YOU!" Natsu started praising while all of us including Ace and his crew looked at him like he's crazy. "Does he always do this?" Ace asked "Unforantly, yes. And you never get use to it" I said "We should probley break into groups and search around town for answers" Wendy said "Good idea" I said. Natsu and Happy went together, Wendy and Carla went tohether, and Gray and I went together. Ace and his crew went in teams to. Ace also gave us these werid snail phones to keep in touch in case anyone finds a lead.

"This Ace guy, do you really think we can trust him?" Gray asked "I had my concerns at first, but I believe he is trust worthy now, Wendy would've sensed if he wasn't" I said "Yea, i guess thats true" Gray said. We went around town asking people, but we were shocked at the answers we got. They say that they all just saved there town, after they had a feast and then left. We contacted everyone using the snail and met up back at the ships. We all got the same responses. "WHY DO WE KEEP JUST MISSING THEM?!" I yelled. "Well as long we take the same path towards the New World, we should meet on the island. Lucky for us once we reach there if theyre in range to an island we should be able to reach them via transponder snail." Ace said 'Why are looking for Luffy and Lucy?" we all turned and see a mermaid with short green hair, and star fish and an octopus. "Whats it to you?" Natsu questioned "They're my friends!" the mermaid yelled "Lucy is are friend as well" I said "Luffy's my little brother" Ace said "You're Ace?" the three questioned "Yes I am, I am looking for him" Ace said. The mermaid looked puzzled at first but "The headed that way, not long ago. Maybe afew hours ago" She said pointing in a direction "I see, Thank you" Ace said then we all got back on the ships. After we had to pull Natsu and Wendy on. "Don't we have something for motion sickness for these two?" Ace asked his crew. One guy came out "I just finished making some, here" He said handing it to Natsu and Wendy who quickly took it. Then we started sailing again. Ace explained himself to Natsu and Wendy, Natsu was excited hearing he used fire to. Kept asking to try it. "Come on! Just let me try! I wanna see if it taste like fire!" Natsu begged and you can see Ace getting annoyed "Once and only once." Ace said before lighting his fist on fire. "Here, try it." Ace said and Natsu did. "IT REALLY DOES TASTE LIKE FIRE!" Natsu said excited "Do you always eat fire?" Ace questioned "No but I can, when in fighting or something and start running low on magic I can eat fire to reboost myself" Natsu explained. "Then you can do the same?" Ace asked Wendy. "Yes, but instead of fire I eat air" Wendy said. "Interesting" Ace said. 

We spent afew more hours talking before reaching surface, suprising they all are getting along. Natsu and Ace were eating practially everything in reach. "Here comes the surface!" some of the crew members called out. Once reaching the surface, we saw a stange island covered in snow. "Ace! Somethings happening with the transponder snail!" A crew member yelled. We all went over to it. All we hear is crying. "Its an emergency call, someone's calling for help" Ace said "Hello, My name is Monkey D Luffy! I'm the man who's going to be King Of The Pirates!" we heard over the tranponder snail. "Thats Luffy!" Ace said "Idiot! Don't just go anncouning yourself out like that!" another voice said "Thats Lucy's voice!" I said ready to pick up the phone, but Ace stopped me. "Wait, lets hear this out first" He told "Fine" I said abit mad. "Please! Help me!" a man cried out "Whats wrong?!" Luffy asked worried "Its freezing...Is that you boss?" the man asked "No, im not your boss. You say it's freezing?" Luffy asked " My companions, keep getting cut down. The samuria's going to kill us!" The guy yelled "Hey! Whats your name?! Where are you?!" Luffy asked "It  doesn't matter who I am, just save me...Im on..Punk Hazzard!" The guy yelled before getting slashed and blood came out of the snail. "They're close, more then likely almost at this island. I know my little brother, he'll come here" Ace said. "Lucy" I said worried. We're entering an island a man was just killed on. How will this end now? "Alright! Im all fired up! Lets go!" Natsu yelled excited. "As impatient as ever" I said "Someone needs help, and Lucy will be here soon to." Wendy said "Sounds right for us" Gray said. "I like all of your aditutde, lets get ready to drop anchor!" Ace yelled. 

Soon we'll see you Lucy.

Meanwhile with the Straw Hats

Luffys POV:

"Alright, so who's going to the island? We shouldn't leave the ship un gaurded" Sanji questioned "Franky, send out the mini merry" I said "Sure" he said "Wait a second?! Are you planning to go alone?!" Nami asked "No, im taking Lucy with me" I said "Huh?!" Lucy said "Yea come on, another adveture!" I said excited "Adventure never stops for you" She said before walking over to me. "Alright, lets go" She said "Wait! you need more then you two to explore this place!" Nami yelled "Then we need to send someone other then the lost swordsies with them" Sanji said "Ill slice you up!" Zoro threaten and they started fighting "Im in" Franky said "It sounds fun" Robin said "You guys go, and we'll sit this one out" Usopp said "Lets draw straws, then we can figure out who will go with Luffy and Lucy" Nami said. After drawing it's Me, Lucy, Zoro, Robin and Usopp. "Here, I have everyone's lunch boxes ready" Sanji said handing them to us. "I cant wait!" I cheered "Awesome Nami! You made us a path!" Lucy said "I learned it when I was in the sky" Nami said "It's just clouds so better cross soon" Nami added "Got It!" I cheered. We all got on the mini merry. Lucy and me in the front and Zoro, Robin and Usopp in the back. "Alright! Lets Go!" i cheered 

End for now, sorry for not updating sooner :(

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