Part 18

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I put some changes into the start, hope you don't mind.

It's has now been two years sense the great war, two years sense Luffy has seen his crew, two years sense he has started his training with rayleigh. Two years now sense Lucy left fiora to as Ace, two and half years sense she's seen any of guild mates, two years sense she left everything behind to save her child hood friend and also brother in law, and two years now that Luffy and Lucy have been reunited. 

Luffys POV:

Rayleigh left Lucy and me on this island about 6 months ago. Today's the day were gonna head to Sabaody and meet up with my crew. I can't wait for them to meet Lucy, this is how it should be. Me and her sailing together, finding the one piece with becoming king of the pirates and her as my queen. "Luffy, you ready to go?" I looked over and saw Lucy. She's come along way in the last two years now too, she can use haki with her whip, open up to four gates for her spirits, we've been training so much together and now it's all finally paid off. "Yea, just need to grab one thing" I said walking over to the rock I put my hat on these last two years. "Alright let's go!" I yelled and she nodded her head with a smile. We made our way to the shore where rayleigh said we would be picked up at, we both were shocked "ACE!" we yelled and tackled him. "Get off of me!" He said so we did. "Your taking us?" I asked "I sure am, me and the rest of my crew mates from the second division" ace said "you two are aces family, don't worry well get you there" one of aces friends said "Thank you" Lucy said smiling causing most of them to blush "she's taken boys" ace said and they dropped their heads remembering me and her are together. "Alright! Lets set sail! Time to get my little brother and sister in law to their crew!" Ace yelled and we all jumped on board. 

It took a few days for us to reach our destination. We spent the days catching up with him and his crew, training more and partying the whole time. Ace would tease Lucy and me every night for sleeping tonight, everyday for holding hands and eachtime we said I love you. But he even got his crew to help him plan our wedding. Lucy was getting mad at some of the ideas, but happy when ace described her dress idea. Which I'm not allowed to know. But soon we saw it, Sabaody Arcapelego. Ace lowered his smaller ship for us and had us get on it with him "Hang on you too" he said and using his devil fruit powers we were at the shore fast. "Luffy, Lucy" ace said Lucy and me looked at him "Thank you, both of you. You risked your lives to save me. Now I look forward to seeing you both in the new world, where we all will be top pirates" ace said "to the new world" i said and we shock hands on it. Before we knew it he was gone. "You ready?" Lucy asked "of course I am, let's go introduce you to my crew and go to the new world together" I said grabbing her hand and walking. Ace gave us some capes, sense the war he said we would be easily noticed. While walking we accidently knocked someone over with our bags "Did we bump into you? Sorry about that" I said and started walking again. "Why do these citizens have the look of fear in their faces?" Lucy questioned "I don't know, but let's go" I said until the guy we knocked over got up mad "WAIT!" he yelled and pulled out a gun "Luffy" lucy said my name quitely "don't worry" I said when he pulled the trigger we both dodged the bullets. I used my haki on him and his friends knocking them out. "Alright let's go" I said grabbing her hand again. While walking I saw Zoro and Sanji "You guys!" I yelled out to them and Lucy had a questioning look on her face. "Zoro! Sanji! It's so good to see you two!" I cheered happy they looked confused, so did Lucy. "You sure that's them? They don't look like the ones you showed me" Lucy said that freaked those two out more. "Yupp! NO doubt about it!" I said Lucy still was unsure. "Zoro, Sanji meet Lucy, she's my fiance, Lucy this is zoro and sanji" I said happy, they all said hi and we started walking. Soon we ended up at a different grove here. We walked onto a stage. "We have found two of the culprits that's have pissed me off! Pay attention, what happens to them will be your fate if you ever defy me! Now kill-" the guy we bumped into earlier was cut off "STOP RIGHT THERE PIRATES! STARW HAT LUFFY AND ALL YOU MINIONS, WE SUGGEST YOU COME QUIETLY! ALL THE EXITS FOR GROVE 46 HAVE BEEN BLOCKED OFF, THERE IS NO WHERE TO RUN!" marines started shouting "how did they know I was here?" I questioned "Its obvious, all these guys are fake straw hats, and made a gathering here for more crew members to follow them. Mariens found out and now they're here" Lucy explained "Then zoro and sanji are fake to? Then we should leave before were spotted" I said then something was shot at us causing our capes to fall off. "That's him! The real straw hat luffy! And that's gotta be star gate lucy with him!" People starting saying around us "Hey! I got alot of valuable lunches in here!" I yelled "I'm not suppose to cause trouble, it could mess up our departure!" I added "You and Star Gate aren't going anywhere! I will capture you, PX5!" They yelled and it started to attack, "to slow" I said dodging the attacks "Second gear" I said and destroyed it with one punch "Come on Lucy! See ya!" I yelled to the marines and we started running "Luffy!" We heard someone yelled "I knew it was you! Whenever there's trouble why are you always in the middle of it?!?" Zoro questioned then they both attacked the other px5 "Zoro! Sanji! It's been forever!" I yelled "Luffy, your number 9" zoro said "will you shut up! Come on everyone's waiting at the ship" sanji said then froze looked at Lucy and had a nose bleed "Uh, Hi" Lucy said sounding nervous "Zoro, Sanji meet Lucy. She's joining us and she's my fiance" I told him "WHAT?! YOU?! HOW?!" Sanji yelled almost crying "She's the one we read about in the paper, you fought along side Luffy to save ace right?" Zoro asked "Yea I did" she said "You sure you wanna be engaged to tho idiot?" Zoro questioned "Hey!" I yelled "Yea I'm sure, I've always loved him" Lucy said "I've always loved you" I said hugging her "Why? Why? Cruel World?! How does my idiot of a captain get an overly hot girl!?! Angel face, perfect size chest, curves in the right places!" Sanji yelled crying "is he gonna be ok?" Lucy asked "yea don't worry, thats just sanji" I said "Idiot cook! We're leaving" zoro said "shut it mosshead! If you lead well all get lost!" Sanji shouted "Come on Lucy, and you two" sanji said, Lucy sweat dropped "Shes still mine Sanji!" I said alittle protective. We started running until I sensed Rayleigh, I stopped and so did Lucy. She stood right next me. "RAYLEIGH! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!" she yelled to him and he smiled "Rayleigh! I'm gonna do it! I will become king of the pirates!" I yelled and he smiled "Luffy, Lucy we need to go now." Zoro said. We smiled and then started running. "HEAD FOR THE TOP!" we heard Rayleigh shout from the distance. "They're one step ahead of us!" Sanji said spoting marines. "Why are they all on the ground?" Lucy wondered "Why at you all still here?!" A girl with long pink hair said, sanji went to crazy love mode again. "Honestly I bring you here, and your all Still here." She yelled at zoro "who is she again" I asked "You need to hurry, battleships are on the way" she said. "I finally found you!" We looked up and saw chopper riding I giant bird. "CHOPPER!" i yelled "everyone's waiting on the ship" he said I grabbed everyone and jumped on. "Chopper meet Lucy, she's joining us" I said "Hi! I'm chopper the crews doctors" chopper said "So cute!" Lucy squealed hugging him "Lucky son of a-" sanji got cut off by zoro hitting him. Lucy stopped hugging chopper and introduced herself. When they were done I could the sunny. "Lucy, thats our home. The Thousand Sunny" I told her she was speechless "Its amazing" she said I could see the rest of my crew now too. "HEY!" YOU GUYS!" i yelled and towards us cheering I could hear them all saying hi. Sanji started to have a nosebleed seeing nami and robin. "SANJI!" chopper yelled and usopp saved him. We all jumped down onto the ship. 

End of this part

Next chapter will be Lucy fully meeting the crew

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