Part 15

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Flash back to the first meeting

Lucys POV:

"Come on Michelle! Let's play!" I said to my doll, who is like my little sister. Once we arrived at the gardens I saw the bullies that always make fun of me. "Look it's the little cry baby" one laughed "I'm not a cry baby!" I yelled "YEA right!" Another one and walked up to me and grabbed Michelle "hey! Give her back!" I yelled "this doll is so ugly just like you" they said "she should be feed to the animals" they said and threw her over the wall that separates us from the woods and lower class "No! Michelle!" I cried out "neither of you belong here, you'll never up grow up to marry wealthy like us" they said "I don't need money to be happy! I just want to marry for love when I'm older!" I shouted "no one would ever even be attracted to you. Your hairs to bright, your eyes are just terrible, your just all around ugly. Maybe you should join your do" they said then walked away when their parents started calling them. "I have to get michelle, mommy gave her to me, but the forest is scary" I said approaching it. "Why do they always do this to me? I've never done anything to them...maybe I could get Michelle and not return here, mom's always sick and I doubt daddy would even notice" I said starting to walk in and searching for Michelle. I stayed low around animals to not be seen. When I found Michelle it was starting to get dark out. "Oh no, it's getting late. It's already sunset. We might have to sleep outside but I don't know how to survive out here" I said starting to cry a bit, then I heard a growl. I turned around slowly and saw a bear "AAHHHH! SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!" I screamed scared, what I didn't expect was for someone to actually appear. 

Luffys POV:

I was chasing after ace and sabo and got separated from them. I was wondering around trying to find them when I heard someone scream. I ran towards it. I saw a bear and little girl, I acted quick to save her jumping in front of her "STAY BACK!" I yelled to her and used my weapon to attack it. After a few hits to the head it fell unconscious. I walked back over to her "are you ok?" I asked but she didn't answer "I'm not gonna hurt you I promise" I told her, she looked at me with the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. 'Shes really pretty' I thought "y- you promise y- you w- won't hurt me" she asked crying "i promise" I said hold my hand out to her and she took it so I pulled her up "I'm Lucy and this is Michelle" she said pointing to her doll "I'm Luffy" I said "so what are you doing out here? The forest can be really dangerous out here alone" I told her "the mean girls throw Michelle over the wall so I came to get her" she said "people pick on you?" I asked "yea they do all the time! Because of my hair and because ima Heartfilia! I can't help that I was born like this! Sometimes I just wanna run away! My dad doesn't really care and my mom's sick alot so I have noone to talk to!" She cried "well I like your hair, it's beautiful, and you can talk to me I'll be there for you" I told her "r- really?" She asked "yea let's be friends" I told her "I've never had a friend other then Michelle before" she said "ok you can have more then one, besides I have feeling well end up being best friends" I said smiling "yea sure" she said smiling back "come with me, I want to introduce you to my friends" I said "other friends?" She questioned "yea come on" I said grabbing her hand "Luffy are you sure it's ok? For you to be with me?" Lucy asked "yea why wouldn't it be?" I asked "I don't want people to start being mean to you for being my friend" she said, then I stopped walking "Lucy" I said and she looked at me and our eyes meet I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. "Nothing anyone says could ever change my mind about being your friend, your so nice and pretty. I want us to be friends! Please Lucy! I can feel something great between us! Just from looking at you, I feel so happy!" I said, somethings I said I can't explain but just looking at her I want to be there for her. "You know, I feel the same. I'm not sure how to explain it. But I wanna stay with you" Lucy said "then please do stay!" I said and she smiled "ok I will" she said and we started walking again. Once we reached the training grounds me, ace and sabo used I saw them. "Are they fighting?" Lucy asked "no, training we all want to be pirates when we get older so we train everyday to get stronger and stronger" I said then walking over to them "Luffy! Where you been?" Ace asked "Yea we were waiting but then started without you" sabo said "i made another friend, guys this is Lucy" I said introducing her "h- hi" Lucy said shy trying to hide behind me they both looked at eachother for a minute "more like girlfriend" they teased "s- shut up!" I yelled i turned and Lucy was red "L- Lucy you ok? Your all red do you have a fever?" I asked "You idiot she's blushing" they laughed "But luffy really where'd you find her? She's really pretty" ace asked "I just saved her from a bear" I said "well I'm ace" ace said "and I'm sabo" sabo added "I'm Lucy" lucy told them "well I can see a great friendship starting from here on" sabo cheered "you really want me as your friend?" Lucy asked "of course! Lucy you already fit right in with us" I told her and she smiled and then hugged me "I've never had real friends before" Lucy said "well you do now and a boyfriend" ace and sabo said "stop it guys!" I yelled but they just laughed. "Lucy where are you from?" Sabo asked "Behind the wall" she answerd point to where all the rich families live. "R- really?" Sabo asked "Yea, but I dont like it there. Most of the time I wish I could just run away" she said "why? You should be happy there" ace wondered then she told us how her dad always works, her mom's always sick and how all the other kids ale pick on her. "Lucy, stay with us! Well protect you!" I said "if my dad finds out- it doesn't matter! We can fight him off if he tries to take you!" I said cutting her off "Luffy" she said starting cry a bit but jumped up and hugged me "THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" She cried out "let's head back home, we can figure out how to explain Lucy to Dadan in the morning" ace said "yea but how will we get her past all the mountain bandits?" Sabo questioned "thats easy, you and me will go in first to make a their all passed out, then we'll sign a them to come in." Ace said and we all agreed.
Once we reached the house ace and sabo went in quietly. "Are you sure you won't get in trouble do this?" Lucy asked me quietly "even if we do Dadan will be ok with it, she yells at us all the time so its nothing new" I told her "besides I couldn't leave you out here alone I'd be worried all night." I added "thank you luffy" she said smiling for some reason I could feel my face heating up 'Oh no am i getting sick?' I thought to myself I saw light flashing and looks towards all of ours room. "There's the signal, come on and stay with me" I told and she grabbed my hand nervous, I grabbed hers back and walked us both threw the house. Once we got in the room ace and sabo were laying out extra pillows and blankets. "Let's go to bed" ace said so we all laid down. I had Lucy right now to me, with Ace and sabo opposite of us. "Goodnight" Lucy said "goodnight" I said "goodnight love birds" ace and sabo said teasing. I was about to jump on them until Lucy turned towards me and pulled me back down. She was laying her head on my chest and i wrapped my arms around her protectivly and we fell asleep.

End on flashback number one!

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