Part 36

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Luffys POV

I woke up the next morning just feeling happy. I'm so happy Lucy and me are having a baby. I couldn't be happier! She's the one I want a family with. I looked over but didn't see her. "Must've woke up already" I said getting up and heading out to the deck. I smelled food and heard voices coming from the kitchen. I walked in and saw everyone but Lucy. "Where's Lucy?" I asked looking around. "We thought she was still sleeping" nami said worried now. I ran out and started searching everywhere. "Lucy?!" I kept calling and so did everyone else. I ran searching every part of the ship but couldn't find her. I ran back to our room to see there's anything left of hers. I opened the closet to see some of her stuff still here. "Did she really leave?" I questioned hearing the others come in. I fell to the ground I couldn't stop the tears. "Lucy! Where are you?!" I screamed "Luffy look" Nami said pointing to the dresser. I got up and saw a note. 


I'm sorry to leave like this, I want nothing more then to be with you. But i can't have you and everyone else putting their lives on the line to protect me and our child. It'll be hard to bring a child out to sea with us. I've always wanted this but this is the worse the time for it to happen. Keep traveling the sea, find the one piece and make your dream come true.

Luffy I love you. I know you would've been a great father, but right now isn't the time. You still have so much you want to achieve, I won't let you lose it because of me. 

Love,  Lucy. 

I ran out to the deck, searching the ground for any kind of hint to which way she went. "I gave you my word Lucy! I will protect you and our child! And we will live out our dreams together! And now our child will see it to!" I yelled "Chopper can you pick up her scent at all?" Nami asked "No, she used something to block it." He said "one person will stay on the ship, I will dispatch us using  different gears. She couldn't have made it to far." Franky said. "Lets go!" Nami yelled. Nami took her waver, Usopp, Zoro and Me took the shark submarine, Franky, Brooke and Robin took the mini marry. Sanji and Chopper stayed on the ship. We all had communicaters, and were keeping in touch. "Luffy, I think I see something!" Usopp announced "I quickly looked threw and saw what looks like Lucy's spirit Aries fluffy clouds. "That has to be where she is!" I yelled. We emerged onto an island. "Lets split up and search, leave no area unsearched!" I yelled and we all ran off. I was running, searching high and low, checking caves, trees, bushes, anywhere for her. "I'm so tired now, Lucy where are you?" I wondered looking up at the sky. 

Lucy's POV 

I could heard Luffy calling my name running around this place, so many times it would've been a close call. I can't let him find me. Not until after this baby is born and atleast 3 years old. Just wait another 4 years Luffy. I heard a snap behind me and quickly turned around. I instantly froze. A tiger and I used to much magic to get here. I started running. Now I need help but I can't run to Luffy! I ended up at dead end. End of a cliff. "Nice tiger, you don't wanna eat me" I said and saw it get ready to attack my only reflex was to shut eyes and scream. I waited to be attacked but nothing happened, not until I felt someone pick me up I snapped my eyes open and recognized him. "Luffy, just leave me here" I said "Never" he said "Your lucky your pregnant otherwise I'd be snapping on you right now for pulling a stunt like this." He said, I can tell he's really angry. "I got her, let's go back" He said "Luffy, just let me explain this please!" I begged. "Explain what? Running off? Taking our child? Leaving me like this? Thinking that I wouldn't put my life on the line you pregnant or not?!" He yelled stopping. "Why would you even do this?! I want nothing more then to be with you! I'm so happy your pregnant! I can't wait for us to have a baby and get married! If you would say yes id marry you right now! Stop trying to handle everything on your own! Let me protect you and our child! I'm not losing you again!" He yelled "Luffy" I said crying and hugging him. "I'm so sorry, I thought this would be the best way. For you not lose your dream, no one to have to protect me, to come back when our child was old enough" I admitted "We're raising our child together! This is how it should be! Isn't this what we wanted?!" He asked "Yea, but not until later" I said "Its sooner, oh well things happen. There's danger anywhere we go doesn't mean we stop living our lives because of it!" He said surprising me. I just kept crying on his chest. His arms wrapped around me. "Lets go home" he said. We made our way to the shore and saw Usopp. "Lucy! Your ok!" He said relieved "Yea, I'm sorry" I said "I understand why you did it, no need to apologize" he said "Where's Zoro?" Luffy asked "Probley lost. We got your order to go meet back I got here but haven't seen Zoro" Usopp said. "Stay here with Lucy, the others will be here soon. I'll find Zoro" Luffy explained and left. "Lucy, were all here for you, you don't have to go threw this alone. I know your scared, and dont want us all to have to protect you. Understand we will regardless. Your more then Luffys fiancee, your our friend, a member of our family, a member a our crew. Your not alone" usopp said "Thanks Usopp. Running is the way I know to escape my problems." I said "I use to be like that to, but during our two year separation I trained to become strong to protect my friends" he explained. "Maybe one day, I will be able to as well" I said "LUCY!" We heard people shout. I saw the ship. Nami jumped down and ran to me hugging me. "Thank goodness your ok! Dont ever do this again!" She said "I'm sorry i worried everyone" I said "i get it but don't do it again!" She said I felt something land on my head "a bird" nami said, there was a note tied to it. "Its addressed to you" Nami said handing it to me. I saw Luffy and Zoro come out from the woods. I opened it and started reading it...

I dropped to the ground in tears "LUCY!" everyone yelled. Luffy came over me and tried to comfort me. Nami grabbed the note. Her eyes grew huge. "What does it say Nami?" Zoro asked. "LUFFY! CARRY LUCY! WERE LEAVING NOW! THERES NO TIME TO WASTE! EVERYONE ONE THE SHIP AND GET READY TO SET SAIL NOW!" Nami ordered. 

End for now!

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