Part 28

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No proof read! Sorry for any mistakes!
(Name)- is the real person inside the others body

Luffys POV
After we crossed the water and beat up all the centars and stole their coats, were heading towards a place we heard a loud noise come from. "Is that a war ship?" Lucy wondered as we got closer. I looked closer and could see it to. "Yea looks like it" I said "The marines are here?!" Usopp yelled. I looked at Lucy and she seemed shocked by something "Lucy? You ok?" I asked alittle worried "No, I can sense magic. There's someone else, no more then one. At least 6 here that have magic" she said I just looked at her shocked and so did the others. "Magic should only be in Fiora, this doesn't make any sense. But I know I can feel it. And it's close" she said "No matter who it is, if they stand in our way we can beat them. I Iove you, and I'm not letting anything happen to you!" I said pulling her into a hug "Luffy" she said wrapping her arms around me. "Thank you, but you can't protect me forever. If we have to face someone with magic then that's my battle." She said "It can be your battle but I can and will protect you forever." I said. Once we pulled away from each other I noticed there was someone standing outside of this factory we arrived at. "IT'S YOU!" I screamed happy recognizing who it was. "That's the guy who saved us back a marine ford" Lucy said "Also the same one we met 2 years ago back on Sabaody" usopp said "Trafalgar Law" robin said "Tra guy!" I yelled "Straw Hat" he said I grabbed Lucy and ran over to him. "We owe you alot for us two years ago" I said smiling. "I saved you on a whim. There is no reason to feel indebted to me. We're all pirates after all" he said "Yea, but you still saved us and Ace. If it wasn't for you showing up we probley wouldnt have made it" Lucy said. "Luffy! Lucy! Hurry up! The marines are coming!" Usopp yelled "Lets go!" I said grabbing her. "Head around behind the factory, you'll find what your looking for." Tra said.  

Once we got behind the factory we saw a huge group of people "There they are!" I cheered "Luffy! Lucy! Everyone!" They cheered but seemed alittle off. "No way" I looked over at Lucy and her eyes were wide. "Lucy? You ok?" I asked worried, but she started shaking. "Lucy?!" I said again even more worried "Lucy? What's  wrong?" Usopp asked "Maybe the cold is getting to her, she could be starting to freeze" Robin said "Now's not the time for that" Zoro said serious "She was fine until we got closer to everyone" Brooke said. "There's no way" Lucy said starting to ball up her fist. "Lucy! Tell me what's wrong so I can fix it! Please!" I said worried as we arrived at the others, I could see tears building up in her eyes, only thing I could think of was to comfort her. I pulled her into a tight hug "Lucy, please tell me" i said, she turned her head towards the group. "Why are you here?" She asked "Lu- No, don't start oh Lucy I'm sorry! Why are you all here?! Natsu, Erza, Gray and Wendy" Lucy yelled cutting off the raven haired guy. I'm shocked I've never seen her snap on someone, that's just making me get more protective. "We came to find you. Fairy Tails back, everyone there is worried about you" A red head said. "Our guild disbanded. Master disbanded it. After everything we've been threw together you all left!" She yelled "Now I get it" I said getting mad now. "Your from her guild aren't you?" I questioned "Yea we are, but we're not here to cause trouble" the pink hair guy said "Your right, you won't" I said pulling away from Lucy and stepping in front of her. "Wait! This can wait until later! Right now we need to find away to get back into our own bodies!" Franky and some blue head said. "What are you talking about Franky?" Usopp asked "I'm not Franky! I'm Nami!" Franky (Nami) yelled "I'm confused" I said "Another changling?" Lucy whisper "No this was something else" the pink and raven haired guys said. Lucy looked up at them shocked. "Who's who?" Lucy asked "Nami" Franky  (Nami) said "Franky" Chopper (Franky) said "Chopper" Sanji (Chopper) said "Sanji!" Nami (Sanji) said. "Gray" Natsu (Gray) said "Natsu" (Gray) Natsu said "Wendy" Erza (Wendy) said "Erza" Wendy (Erza) said. "So your really Natsu right?" Lucy questioned walking towards the raven haired guy. "Yea, Luce it's me" he said but I didn't expect to see what happened next. Lucy punched him sending him flying back.

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