Part 10

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Luffys POV:

"I can't believe it, after we just met again and he saved me like this" I said crying Lucy has her arms wrapped around me comforting me while I cry. I never wanted her to see me like this but the tears won't stop. "Lucy, promise me you'll never leave me. I can't lose anyone else!" I cried out "I promised when we were kids, when we met again I'll never leave you. I'm here to stay, I'm not kid anymore my father can't take me away from you this time." She said "Lucy, during this war promise me you'll stay by my side, we can't get separated no matter what. I'm still surprised from seeing you in impala down, i promised your mom I would always protect you and for me to do that you need to stay by my side." I said, she looked shocked "Ok I promise" she said "straw hat stop being a cry baby in front of your girl and drink up in celebrate of mr 2s scarface for us to escape" buggy said walking up. Lucy and I both looked at him pissed "Shut up! Everyone cries once in awhile! Luffy just lost one of his friends for us to escape but we wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for him! You should be greatful that he did this otherwise you'd still be stuck in that jail!" Lucy yelled i just punched him causing his nose to bleed "we don't know for sure that Bon is dead! He could still be alive for all we know! Stupid big nose!" I yelled "Hey! Don't make fun of my nose!" Buggy fought back. I was about to stop him but I'm feeling exhausted. I just decided i need to sit down so I went over to where Jinbei was sense he's steering the ship and sat down. "Are you okay Lucy?" He asked "I just need to rest, I'll be fine don't worry" I explained "i would wish not to, but your one of our top for this war we need you at full strength of we are to pull this off" Jinbei said "what's wrong lucy?" Luffy asked appearing out of no where. "Just need to rest for a bit I'll be fine, don't worry" I said reassuring "Straw girl I know what you need! I will give you a hormone injection but not until were closer to marine ford" Iva said appearing. "But ima wizard I use magic I don't know if that would work the same for me" I said "I believe it will! It's never failed before! Your one of our strongest here we can't have you down now!" Iva cheered "he's right Lucy, just rest for now. I'll let you know when we're close" luffy said "thanks" i said then went in same room has Inazuma who is still recovering from from the fight with Magellan. I could still hear everyone talking for awhile one thing that shocked me I'm not sure who asked but I heard someone ask luffy how we met.

Luffys POV 

After Lucy went to lay down buggy and Mr 3 asked how we met "that's easy, it started when I saved her" I started.

- flashback-

I was chasing after ace and sabo running from dadan getting out of doing chores. "Luffy you better keep up!" Ace yelled back to me "hey just wait for me!" I yelled back "catch up slow poke" sabo teased "I'm not slow! Your guys are just older! Wait when I'm 10 I'll be stronger and faster then you both!" I shouted "well be 13 then" they both laughed. After awhile of running I lost em. "Where'd they go?" I wondered "ahhh! Someone help please!" I heard someone yell and ran towards it. I was shocked to see a girl. There was a giant bear in front of her, she was shacking. I jumped in front of her "STAY BACK!" I yelled to her and used my weapon to attack it. After a few hits to the head it fell unconscious. I walked back over to her "are you ok?" I asked but she didn't answer "I'm not gonna hurt you I promise" I told her, she looked at me with the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. 'Shes really pretty' I thought "y- you promise y- you w- won't hurt me" she asked crying "i promise" I said hold my hand out to her and she took it so I pulled her up "I'm Lucy and this is Michelle" she said pointing to her doll "I'm Luffy" I said "so what are you doing out here? The forest can be really dangerous out here alone" I told her her "the mean girls throw Michelle over the wall so I came to get her" she said "people pick on you?" I asked "yea they do all the time! Because of hair and because ima Heartfilia! I can't help that I was born like this! Sometimes I just wanna run away! My dad doesn't really care and my mom's sick alot so I have noone to talk to!" She cried "well I like your hair, it's beautiful, but you can talk to me I'll be there for you" I told her "r- really?" She asked "yea let's be friends" I told her "I've never had a friend other then Michelle before" she said "ok you can have more then one, besides I have feeling well end up being best friends" I said smiling "yea sure" she said smiling back "come with me, I want to introduce you to my friends" I said "other friends?" She questioned "yea come on" I said grabbing her hand and heading to our training ground. Once I got there I saw them training. "Are they fighting?" Lucy asked "no, training we all want to be pirates when we get older so we train everyday to get stronger and stronger" I said then walking over to them "Luffy! Where you been?" Ace asked "Yea we were waiting but then started without you" sabo said "i made another friend, guys this is Lucy" I said introducing her "h- hi" Lucy said shy trying to hide behind me they both looked at eachother for a minute "more like girlfriend" they teased "s- shut up!" I yelled i turned and Lucy was red "L- Lucy you ok? Your all red do you have a fever?" I asked "You idiot she's blushing" they laughed "But luffy really where'd you her? She's really pretty" ace asked "I just saved her from a bear" I said "well I'm ace" ace said "and I'm sabo" sabo added "I'm Lucy" lucy told them "well I can see a great friendship starting from here on" sabo cheered "you really want me as your friend?" Lucy asked "of course! Lucy you already fit right in with us" I told her and she smiled and then hugged me "I've never had real friends before" Lucy said "well you do now and a boyfriend" ace and sabo said "stop it guys!" I yelled

- End of flashback- 

"That's how it started" I said "that's how I remember it too" Lucy said sitting down next to me "you guys treated me like a normal person" she added "I'll never forget the days and nights we had together, they we the best when we were kids" I said "they deffiently were" she said smiling "has anyone noticed the winds picking up?" Buggy asked "yea your right" Lucy said we all looked behind and noticed a tsunami! "STUPID TSUNAMI! YOUR NOT GONNA STOP US FROM SAVING ACE!" I yelled "everyone grab a hold of something we're gonna ride it" Jinbei said "Wait what" Lucy said scared "it's the only option, if we turn around well be capsized" crocodile said "there you have grab ahold of something fast!" Jinbei said. Lucy buggy and me grabbed on to the rails and ship started riding the wave. Not long after the water froze "what happened?" I asked "everything's frozen" Lucy said "No look again the battles already started" Iva said "I got an idea! Well wiggle the ship out and slid back into the water to get around" I said "are you insane? It's a war ship it won't wiggle easy" buggy yelled "if we work together I know we can do it!" I said then we heard something "what's that?" I wondered "Luffy look it's the transponder snail" luffy said "we will move the execution up! Once everything is set in place! That is all" then it stopped "No way" Lucy said "STRAW GIRL! NOW IT'S TIME!" Iva said injects her with the hormones "woah I feel intense energy flowing threw me" Lucy said "Now everyone let's follow strawboys lead!" Iva said and me, him, crocodile, Jinbei and buggy all jumped and slammed to break the ice "Wait! Luffy! THAT'S THE WRONG SIDE!" Lucy yelled but it was to late. Before we knew it THE ice was breaking already. Everyone started screaming "LUCY!" I yelled grabbing her and pulling her to me. "ACE! WE'RE HERE!" I yelled 

End of this chapter

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