Part 41

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After Lisanna led me threw the door she she took me over to a tree which had two cribs craved into it. I ran as fast as I could to them. "My babies!" I screamed happy and relieved "We've been taking care of them for you" I turned and saw Ultear "Ultear, thank you!" I cried "Now take your kids and leave here. You shouldnt be here your not dead yet" ultear said "Right, thanks again" I said "Lucy" I heard lisanna say "Lisanna, I'm sorry. He killed you because of me" I said "No, i let him kill me. I'd rather be dead then be someone's mate who can't stopping loving his old teammate" she said "Lucy, come on you can't stay here much longer" Ultear said "I know" I said and picked my daughter and son. "Goodbye" I said and ended up back in the castle. "Luffy, can we go home now?" I asked "Anything you want, but first I wanna hold my kids" he said walking up to me. When I watched him holding them I couldn't be any happier. I could see the relief, happiness, and joy he had now. "He's gonna make a great father" Ace said standing next to me. "Never would've thought he'd be one before us" Sabo said laughing "LET ME SEE MY GREAT GRANDBABIES!" Grandpa Garp yelled "You see him, he's a marine, we don't like marines" Luffy told the babies I couldn't help but laugh "No, your parents are pirates! We defeat all dirty pirates in the name of the law!" Garp yelled. "You wake them, you put them back to sleep" I warned and sat down next to Luffy. I grabbed our son and held him while luffy was still holding our daughter in one arm and his other now wrapped around me. "This is the start of our future" he said "Only the beginning. Our next is raising our kids and still looking for the one piece" I said "I have my queen, prince, and princess now" Luffy said "You sure do" I said "guy's sorry to break up this moment but maybe you can do this after were out of here? Besides Lucy needs to be checked out by a doctor for after delivery" Sabo said "You don't have to worry, Ultear speed up my recovery time my bodies just still tired though" I said "Lets go home and rest" Luffy said I just nodded in agreement Ace and Sabo came up and they each grabbed them. "My niece and nephew are so cute! Im your uncle Ace I'll protect you forever" ace said holding our son "Your uncle Ace is a little crazy" Sabo told our daughter "Luffy carry Lucy, let's meet up with the other outside of here!" Ace yelled "Lets go home" Luffy said picking me up princess style. Once we were out of that place I felt so relieved. "LUFFY! LUCY!" I heard everyone yelling "Shh! Lucy and the babies to need sleep" Luffy said "I'm ok" I said "Nope, you need rest to" he said "Luf- Lets go to sleep" he said cutting me off. "Your the one who wants to sleep" I said. "Yupp, and your not leaving my side ever again." He said. Soon we were on the ship "You two rest we'll watch the babies!" Ace and Sabo said "I want them with me though" I said "You'll have plenty of time with them!" Ace fought back. "Theyre my kids!" I yelled "Our kids" Luffy corrected. "And they're gonna spend time with their uncle's and great grandpa while mommy and daddy have us time" Luffy said "Us time?" I asked before I noticed we were back in our room. "Why are we in here?" I asked nervous "Just to be alone" Luffy said and changed into pajamas. I pulled out a pair of shorts and tank top and changed then laid down next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "Promise me, next time to not try and handle something like this alone again. We can get threw everything together" Luffy said I locked my fingers in with him "I promise, I love you" I said "I love you to" he said and kissed me. 

I woke up a few hours later "Morning beautiful, ready to see our kids?" Luffy asked "Yes!" I cheered excited. We got up and changed. We walked out hand in hand. "There they are!" Everyone cheered "Luffy! Lucy! Over here!" Grandpa yelled, we walked over to where him, ace and sabo were. "Look, here's your mommy and daddy" Sabo said I was surprised to see them like this. I held our daughter and luffy held our son. I've never felt so happy in my life. "Now, don't get comfortable you to. You have a busy day tomorrow and will need plenty of rest for it!" Ace said "What's happening tomorrow?" We asked "You'll find out tomorrow" Nami said appearing behind me. "Now my turn!" A squealed holding her hands out. I just rolled my eyes and handed my daughter to her, Luffy did the same with grandpa. "Come with us you two" Ace and Sabo said. We followed them into the woods "Where are we going?" I asked "You'll see" they said. After alittle while more of walking and crossing a few rivers I was speechless. I couldn't believe where we were! "No way" I said shocked "I can't believe it" Luffy said "Well start believing" Ace said 

End of this part!

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