Part 17

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Last chapter for flashbacks

Lucy's POV

It's been months now that's I've been living with Luffy, Ace, Sabo and the bandits. I ended up meeting their grandfather Garp and he didn't like us talking about being pirates, so he threw us all out into the forest late at night. I think he might be a monster. He also thought Luffy and me were joking about being together, and staying together. But after he saw us together he saw we weren't joking and calls it young love. When ace and sabo started planning our future wedding is when he was overly shocked. But he even admitted there is something beyond special between luffy and me. I think everyone here even luffys old town mayor and friends would come to visit and say how cute we are.

We ended up building our own tree house and stay there now. Now were currently at our training. 

"Alright Luffy here it comes" ace said and luffy got ready to dodge but failed sabo and me giggled but that soon ended when heard "LUCY!" We all stopped and I turned around. I saw the one person I didn't want to. "D- d- dad" I said stepping back. Ace and luffy quickly ran and got in front of me with sabo. "You little boys really think you can stop me? Don't make me laugh." My dad said and showed all of our families guards "YOUR NOT TAKING HER!" all three of them yelled "Really? Lucy your choice, either you come home with me now quietly or I will destroy this place" my dad said and I froze. I didn't want to leave but I couldn't bring harm to them. When I wasn't budging my dad's guards quickly pinned them all to the ground and had swords to their necks "NO! DAD! STOP!" I yelled in fear "I'll go with you, just don't hurt them!" I pleaded "Lets go, you have alot of studies to catch up on" my dad grabbing me and it hurt "LUCY!" Luffy yelled "Luffy! I'll never forget you!" I yelled to him. "I LOVE YOU!" he yelled, that was the first time he said it "I LOVE YOU TOO!" I yelled back being pulled away by my dad. 

Once back home my dad threw me in my room, with books stacked up. "I expect you to finish reading all of this by the end of the week!" My dad demanded and locked the door. I could see my windows had bars on them too. "I'm really trapped, I have no way out. I can't see them again. Luffy...Ace...Sabo...Dadan...the rest of the bandits...Grandfather Garp..." I said to myself quietly "LUFFY! I MISS YOU! I LOVE YOU!" I screamed crying. That night and every night, I would cry myself to sleep. My mom would try to comfort me but it wouldn't work. I just wanted to be back with them. More weeks passed until I finally emerged from my room. And I went out to the gardens. I sat down at mine and Michelles table. I sat her down then me. "Michelle, do you ever think we will able to see them again?" I questioned. Then I saw a light beaming from the corner of my eye, I looked and it was coming from the fence. I grabbed Michelle went over to it. When I got there I was so happy "LU-" he put his hand over my mouth. "Shhh we don't wanna get caught right" he said with a little smile, I nodded "I've missed you so much" I whispered "I know, I've missed you too and I'm not the only one look" he said I looked down and saw ace and sabo I smiled "Lucy watch out" sabo said, so I step back and one by one they each hopped the fence. "Luffy" I said and ran to him and hugged him and he hugged back when we separated I hugged ace and sabo too. "We've all been coming here for months trying to see you" ace said "sorry my dad locked me in my room for a month and after I just didn't leave my room. I missed you guys so much" I said tears up and luffy hugged me "shhh were together now" he said and made me look at him "and we still are right?" He asked "of course, we said forever" I said and he smiled and then kissed my check which made my face go red. "Lucy dear" we all frozen. I turned around and saw my mom "mommy" I said. "I must thank you for taking care of lucy, she's told me all about you and everyone else" my mom said "your welcome" they said and my mom noticed luffy "You must be Luffy" my said looking towards us "yes I am" he said "well I want you to take of my little girl" my mom told him "I promise I will, for the rest of our lives! I love her!" Luffy said and my mom smiled and I turned red "Lucy, I don't mind if stay with them. Just be sure to come home a couple times a week for family time" my mom said and they all cheer I was frozen in shock seeing my dad watching out the window "don't worry about your father. I'll make sure he doesn't do anything. Now go and pack your stuff, your friends and boyfriend can go in to" my mom said "Thank you mom" I said hugging her and we ran in I lead the way to my room, and they were shocked seeing it. We packed about a weeks worth of clothes for me. I thanked my mom again, and said goodbye then we all left back to the forest.

It stayed like this for awhile. I would spend about 4- 5 days with them and the others at my parents. When I returned home one night after luffy walked me home, I noticed all the lights were on. "Lucy, have a seat" my dad said so i did. "I have news for you. Your mother is very ill, I was able to locate a doctor for her illness but it is far away. We will be moving there, fiora. You will only have 2 days left here. If you wish to spend them with those boys you may. That is your mother's orders." My dad said. Hearing this crushed, I didnt know what to do. My body was moving on its own, soon i found myself at all of ours tree house. I claimed up and avoided the traps but shook them all awake and immediately told them. I couldnt stop my tears. Luffy hugged me, comforting me. "This isnt fair! Why cant they just go and you stay?!" Sabo yelled asking "if she had that choice don't you think she wouldve said it" ace said to sabo.

That night we all stayed up until we fell asleep. When the day came, they walked with me to the port. After saying goodbye so many times I finally got pulled onto the ship.

"I LOVE YOU LUCY! I'LL WAIT FOR YOU! NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!" I heard luffy shout. "I LOVE YOU TOO! NO MATTER WHAT'S HAPPENS I'LL FIND YOU WHEN WE'RE OLDER!" i shouted back, then the boat to sail away, luffy and me didn't lose eye contact until I couldn't see the dock anymore.

"I really do love you Luffy, so much. I'm proud to call myself your future wife" I said to myself.

End of flashbacks!

Next chapter will pick up back in the story.

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