Chapter 1: Excitement!

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I'M BACK! SO SO SORRY I'M LATE! I'm so excited for this book honestly and I really hope you guys like it. This book will have season 2 in it obviously but there are gonna be changes because you're in the story lol.

BUT OMG GUYS! The last 3 episodes were so fucking epic I can't wait for episode 4 on Friday! But anyway, I'm gonna let you read now.


Your P.O.V

It's been 2 days since the battle in the dome. We had yesterday off. Izuku and All Might still have a few injuries and so does Eijiro, Todoroki, and Bakugou but they're doing fine. Aizawa is also healing pretty nicely. I myself have some injuries still healing around my body but I won't let that get in my way of school and training.

This morning Aizawa came in with a whole lot of bandages in his face. We were all worried for him but he said he was alright. He just wanted to let us know that the sports festival is near and give us some info about it. Most of us forgot that we were at an actual school and some asked Aizawa if it was safe due to the fact that we got attacked by villains in the dome which was inside the campus.

Aizawa assured us that it was safe and that security would we tripled this year and we all relaxed as we listened to what we will be doing from then on until the exciting day comes which is in 2 weeks. Training. Of course, we will be doing some normal school stuff but only for 45 minutes on each 4 normal class which is English, Math, History and Science. There's a 30-minute break in between math and history though which I'm happy about. After lunch, the rest of the school day is spent training and preparing for the sports festival.

I looked at Izuku with a big smile on my face and he gave me one too. We have always wanted to participate in the sports festival since we were kids. We would always watch it on tv together meaning we know exactly how the sports festival works. Yes the sports festival is broadcasted worldwide and im glad it is.

Some pro heroes show up to watch us and some don't but they watch it on T.V if they aren't busy. If they do watch us though, I heard that they pick a few they would like as sidekicks and we get to choose who we wanna be the sidekick of or work for. We only have 1 chance in these 3 years we will spend here to be the best. So if we aim to be a great hero then this is an event we can't overlook.

"I mean, I knew it was coming but now i feel like the tension is flying sky high!!" Kirishima said pumping his fist in the air. We were now getting up from our seats to head to lunch. "Yeah! If we put in the effort and stand out to a pro, It'll be a giant leap forward!" Sero said also excited.

"Wow, everyone is so fired up..." Izuku said as we walked towards the door. "Of course we are!" Iida said as he raised both of his fist making us stop walking. "You've enrolled in U.A to become a hero, so getting fired up is only natural man!!!" He said his body now shaking with excitement.

"Iida's got a really odd way of unleashing his passion. Weirdo." Tsuyu said as she stood next to me with Ashido. "Of course i feel it too, but still..." Izuku said rubbing the back of his head. "You guys..." Uraraka called from behind us. When we turned around she had some kind of pink aura around her and this weird dark look on her face. "Let's crush it the sports festival!" We all sweat dropped except izuku who had a scared look on his face. "WOAH! Uraraka your face!" He yelled.

"Whats up with her?Uraraka is being kinda...not Uraraka..." Ashido said looking at bit worried for the girl. "Maybe she's just PMSing??" Mineta said earning a slap on the face from Tsuyu. That's what he gets. "GUYS! IM! GONNA! GO FOR IT!!!" Uraraka said pumping her fist in the air her face still dark. "Wohoooooo! But um, it's like your character is floating off..." Eijiro said also pumping his fist in the air, but awkwardly. We all pumped our fist in the air.

After that weird scenario, Izuku, Iida, Uraraka and I were walking down stairs to the caff. "Hey Uraraka, Why do you wanna be a hero? I never got to ask you that." I asked. "uh...for the money..." Iida, Izuku and I stopped and blankly stared at her. "Seriously?" Iida asked. "Hehe...yeah I guess, ultimately." She said rubbing the back of her neck.

"Ugh im sorry!" she said as we continued to walk. "I know it sounds lame like im not being pure as a hero! I know Iida is doing it for high-minded principles and stuff so I'm emberrest!" She said covering her face with her hands. I sigh and put a hand on her shoulder and she looked at me. "Don't be embarrassed about that Uraraka." I told her as I gave her a warm smile.

"(y/n) is right! I mean what on earth is there not to admire about applying yourself to aim for a comfortable life?" Iida agreed making these weird gestures with his hands. She told us that she worked at her family's construction company but that it wasn't real work making them flat broke.

"But with a quirk like yours, you could bring your parent company up when you get your license! you could get tons of money!" I said. "I know right! That's what I told my dad when I was little....but.." She looked down with a sad smile. "Anyway," She said snapping out of whatever she was thinking of. "I'm going to become a hero and earn money without fail and I'm going to give my mom and dad the easy life they deserve." She said making all of our eyes wide.

I smiled and patted her on here shoulder. "I'll be cheering you on then." I told her and she hugged me. Iida then began to clap for her. "Bravo! Bravo Uraraka!" We all laughed at his weirdness. We were about to continue walking to the cafeteria until All Might appeared in front of us in his strong mode out of nowhere laughing like he always does. "OOHH! THERE YOU ARE YOU TWO!!" He said pointing at Izuku and I. "A-All Might? What's the matter?" Izuku asked.

".....Lunch!" Was all he said. Izuku and I looked at each other in confusion. When we looked back at All Might he had a bento in his hands. "Wanna eat together?" He said with a soft voice. He kinda sounded like- "PFFT! YOU SOUND LIKE A TEENAGE GIRL!" She said tried to contain her laughter. I giggled.

"So, How about it?" He asked us again. We looked at each other one more time and then at Uraraka and Iida. The both nodded with a smile as the walked away. "Sure.." Izuku and I responded. I wonder why All Might asked us to eat with him...?

Time skip ~ The teacher's lounge

"50 Minutes?!" Izuku and I said at the same time as we stared at All Might with shocked faces. "Yeah.." he said as he made tea. "That's the limit as to how long I can use my power now. I over did it to many time. That Nomu was also a tough opponent...and it hurt." He said as he passed Izuku and me a cup of tea. We both said thanks. "I can just barely maintain muscle form for an hour and a half now."

"Oh, wow...sorr-" Izuku was about to apologize with a sad smile until All Might started laughing while blood came out of his mouth. I sweat dropped. "You don't have to apologize my boy! Man, we really are alike you and me!" All might said and I smile at that. They really are alike, aren't they.

"But more importantly, let's talk about the sports festival."

To be continued...


HEY GUYS!!! SO how have you guys been?

I know it took me forever to publish this but I FINALLY DID! Anyways how did you guys like the first chapter? I know its boring and short but i will try to make the next one more longer and interesting.

ALSO ALSO ALSO!! I almost forgot to mention that I have a contest for you guys! So basically the contest is making a cover for the second book! I will pick the cover that I like and give the winner a big shout out on a chapter! BUT, for the people who made me covers but did not win, don't worry you didn't do that work for nothing. On each chapter, I will put your cover on the media above and give you a shout out. So basically its a win win lol.

Below are ways to contact me and send me your wonderful creations or if you guys have questions or requests for another fanfiction don't be afraid to ask:


Facebook: Sol Diamond (LINK IN MY PROFILE)

Tumblr: solangeb02

Tik Tok: inori_02wp

Or send me a private message here on Wattpad!

Good Luck! Hope you guys have nice day/night!

GO PLUS ULTRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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