Chapter 12: Break Day 1: Part 2

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Important A/N at the end!

Your P.O.V 

The ride to wherever we were going was silent. But it was a comfortable silence. Izuku held my hand as I laid my head on his shoulder. There was nice music in the background playing as well. After a while we finally stopped to where I'm assuming is our destination. "Here you are!" All Might said as he unlocked. When Izuku walked out and helped me out I saw that we were at a beach. But not just any beach. It's the beach where we first came to do our training for the U.A entrance exam. I was confused as to why we came here but then I looked closely and noticed a trail of lights leading to a small table with a small hut above it. 

(#SuckAtDescribingThings lmao sorry! But here is a picture of what it looks like!)

(#SuckAtDescribingThings lmao sorry! But here is a picture of what it looks like!)

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I gasped and looked at Izuku wide eyes. "You planned this?" I asked in disbelief. "Yeah. I also got some help from the others." He said blushing a little while scratching the back of his head. I honestly didn't know what to say. "Well, have fun you two!" All Might said as he winked at us and sped off. "Come on." Izuku said grabbing my hand and leading me to the table. Everything looked so beautiful especially with the sunset behind it. I feel like I'm in a fairy tale.

Izuku lets go of my hand when we reached the table to pull back a chair for me. I giggled and sat down while he sat down on his chair. "Hello Lady and Gentlemen. I, together with my partner here, will be your waiter for the night." Someone said behind me. I looked back to see that it was Yaoyorozu with Ojiro in waiter costumes. They looked so good in them. "Here is your menu for the night." Ojiro said both of them smiling. I smiled and looked at the menu to see that there was only one thing on there. I tried to contain my laughter and cleared my throat as I said smiling, "I'll have a (Fav topping) Pizza, please. And some (Fav drink)."

"I will have the same thing." Izuku said smiling too. "The food and drinks will be here shortly." They said and walked away. They went into this small house tent that I failed to notice earlier. 

(Looks kinda like this but without the chairs there and the table with the food and drinks are inside)

"S-So, do you like it? I know it's not a fancy restaurant with fancy food and stuff but-" Izuku said but I cut him off by putting a finger on his mouth

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"S-So, do you like it? I know it's not a fancy restaurant with fancy food and stuff but-" Izuku said but I cut him off by putting a finger on his mouth. "Izuku its perfect." I said while smiling at him. "Really?" He said when I removed my finger and I nodded.  "No one has ever done this type of stuff for me before. I've never felt this happy or special either. So thank you...for all of this." I said smiling as I grabbed his hand and he smiled back and kissed my forehead. 

Soon enough our food and drinks came and as we ate we talked about anything and everything. After we were done I took off my shoes and Izuku and I walked down the beach in a peaceful silence as the moon and stars shined b. The guys who helped Izuku said they would clean up. I need to thank them properly when we get back to school.

"(Y/n)..." I heard Izuku whisper and I looked up at him as we stopped walking. "You know that I care about you a lot, right?" He asked as he grabbed my right hand gently in his. "Of course..." I said confused. "Then-" He started saying as he reached into his pockets and took out a small black box. When he opened it to reveal a beautiful Princess crown ring.

 When he opened it to reveal a beautiful Princess crown ring

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I looked up at him as tears began to gather in my eyes. "Izuku..." I whispered as I covered my mouth with my free hand. "When you look at this ring, I hope it reminds you of my promise to never stop loving and caring for you and to always be by your side to protect you." He said as he put the ring on my ring finger. I smiled and nodded as I hugged him and he hugged me back. "I love you..." I whispered as he pulled back a little and smiled sweetly at me. "I love you too.." He whispered back and then he slowly leaned in as both of our eyes slowly closed. And there under the shining moon and stars, he kissed me passionately as I kissed him back with so much love I didn't think I could give to someone. 

This moment truly felt like a fairy tale. A fairy tale dream that I don't want to wake up from ever.


Hey guys! How did you like this chapter? You and Izuku finally had your first date <3 Honestly, this is the cutest thing I have ever written in my life. Before my data got erased this chapter was going to originally be kinda short and boring and the promise ring part wasn't going to happen, buttttt then a different idea came to mind while re-writing this and then BAM! I created a cute fluff chapter for you guys and included a promise ring scene instead of a short boring one. 

Speaking of lost data, I just wanted to say that I regained some and I also wanted to thank everyone who commented nice things to me to keep me motivated. Most of those comments made me cry tears of joy and some made me laugh a lot. So thank you for all of the support! I really appreciate it and because of you guys, I have regained my motivation to keep on writing again! So again, thank you!

I hope all of you lovely people have a good day/night! See you next chapter!

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