Chapter 17: Hero Killer Vs U.A Students!

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Izuku's P.O.V

"What will you two do...fight and die...or leave and live?" The hero killer asked as he licked his sword. He's different from the ones we fought in the USJ dome. The view point...of a murderer. I can't let (Y/N) fight this guy with me. I need to get her out of here. 

"(Y/N) get out of here!" I told her I stepped in front of her. I was tense. Im not gonna lie and say im not sacred. There's a chance I could die here and im not dragging (Y/N) down with me. I wouldn't be able to forgive my self. "What!? What about you!?" She yelled in anger. "Im gonna stay here and try to get Iida and that pro out of here! Just go and find help!" I yelled back at her as I was beginning to get impatient. Is not that im annoyed with her it's just that the hero killer looked like he wasn't going to wait much longer for our conversation to end. 

"Im not leaving you here by your self! You'll die!" She yelled making me turn around to look at her. She was crying. "If I die I don't want to drag you down with me! That ring is my promise that I would protect you no matter what and that's what im doing! I won't forgive my self if you die here with me (Y/N)!" I yelled at her shedding tears of my own as I grabbed her shoulder. 

Your P.O.V

"I won't forgive my self if you die here with me (Y/N)!" Izuku yelled at me as he grabbed my shoulder and sobbed making me cry even more. I was about to tell him something when I saw the hero killer running our way with his sword ready to slash Izuku. 

I quickly grabbed Izuku's hand and pushed him behind me as I raised my arm making a barrier around us making the hero killer slash it instead of us. "Then let's not die..." Was the only thing I said before I used my wind quirk to push the hero killer away making him hit the wall again creating a crack this time. I looked back to see Izuku stare at me with a shocked look.

"*Sigh* you're so stubborn." He said giving up as he had one hand on his back. I think he's trying to send our location to All Might or someone without letting the hero killer see his phone. I smiled at him and he smiled back as he stood next to me once again. "Hopefully they get the message and come quickly." He whispered only loud enough for me to hear as we both got into a fighting stance. 

"I was getting impatient so I just chose for you!" The hero killer said as he got into a fighting stance as well. "STOP! RUN AWAY! I TOLD YOU TWO THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!" Iida yelled from behind us. "All Might told me....butting once nose in, is one of the principal qualities of a hero!" Izuku smirked as we both dashed towards the Hero Killer.

"ONE FOR ALL: FULL COWEL!" Izuku yelled out as he activated his quirk.

"FULL BODY TAKE OVER: FIRE" I yelled out as my whole body including my hair caught in flames. I figured out this quirk on my own as I was training but I never used it for the sports festival. All Might said it was too dangerous to be used on students. He told me to save it for the villains instead. 

When the hero killer was about to slash me I teleported behind him as I sent a fire ball right on his back. (Reminder that she can only teleport 3 times a day. It sucks but that is that quirks flaw sorry) "What the-" He yelled out in shock but got cut off by Izuku's punch. Izuku was about to hit him again until he swung his sword almost hitting Izuku but he dodged and dashed right under his leg getting behind the hero killer. Izuku then quickly dashed above him as the hero killer was going to slash him again. "You annoying little brat!" The hero killer yelled clearly getting annoyed. 

"5% DETROIT SMASH!" Izuku yelled out as he punched the hero killer right in the head sending him to the ground. Those moves. They kinda looked like Bakugou's. 

All of a sudden the hero killed chuckled and licked his sword. There was blood on it. He slashed Izuku! But how?!

I looked behind me to see him on the ground with a shocked look on his face. "H-How!?" He said as he tried to move. Oh no. "Your turn you stupid girl!" I heard the hero killer yell out as he kicked me right on the back making me fall and land on my stomach and making me deactivate my quirk. He had spikes on his shoes making the kick even more painful. "(Y/N)!" I heard Izuku yell out in worry. 

As I tried to get up I yelled out in pain as the hero killer slashed my arm and licked the blood off of his sword making me not able to move. I see now...his quirk...

Hero Killer Satin

Quirk: B.... C...

He can para..yze you by just tasting your

Whats going on...I can't read his quirk for some reason. I can't use any of my quirks either. Is this part of his quirk too? The only part I got from that is that he can paralyze someone by just tasting their blood. But there's more to it than just that!

"Don't two are to be kept alive...but these two....they need to die unfortunately!" The hero killed said as Izuku and I helplessly watched as the hero killer walked towards Iida. "N-NO! STOP!" I yelled as I tried to move but I couldn't. "Someone...please help..." I said closed my eyes letting my tears fall. 

As I began to lose all hope, out of nowhere fire and ice was thrown at the hero killer but he dodged it. I gasped as I looked towards the direction it came from to see Todoroki standing there looking at his phone. "Midoriya, for something like this you text me more information yea? I wouldn't be late if you did." He said as he glared at the hero killer who looked really pissed now. 

"It's one after the other work keeps getting blocked..." I heard him say under his breath. "Todorki! Why are you here?!" Izuku said as he looked confused and shocked. "You sent your location to your whole contact list. I was confused at first. But your not the type who'd do something like that with no meaning attached. No, with you, it must have meant 'call for back up im in a pinch!' don't worry though--" He said while he stomped on the ground making Ice go everywhere. 

Sadly I got cut up in the ice since I couldn't move. "C-COLD!!!" I yelled out as I began to shiver. I looked back at Izuku to see he got caught up in it as well. "Help should come soon!" Todoroki yelled as he used his left side to send fire towards the hero killer causing the ice to melt off and making me fall. "H-HOT!" I yelled together with Izuku.

We all fell behind Todoroki including the pro hero. "Im not gonna let your stupid ass kill them hero killer!" Todoroki said as he got into a fighting stance while we just watched from behind him. These pros better hurry and get here...


Im gonna stop it here! Im pretty sure tomorrows episode won't pass the part where Todoroki comes but anyway if it does...oh whale! 

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Have a nice day/night! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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