Chapter 18: The Climax!

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First, very sorry I didn't update on Thursday. A lot of stuff was happening but it's all good now.

Secondly, we just talk about Saturday's episode for a sec? Like I actually cried through the whole thing. No joke. This episode was epic!

Anyways im gonna let you read now. The new episode gave me a lot of ideas so im excited to update this. Enjoy!

*Really long chapter so get comfortable*

Third Person P.O.V

The hero killer stood silently watching Todoroki as they were both in a fighting stance. The pro, Iida, Izuku and (Y/N) were still paralyzed behind Todoroki with worried faces. "Todoroki be careful! Don't let this guy see your blood! I think he controls his opponents actions by ingesting their blood orally! That's how we got taken down!" Izuku warned him. 

"So he sucks blood to keep people from moving...that's what the blades about huh? Well, I'll just keep my distance and-" He was saying until a dagger slashed his left cheek cutting him off and leaving him shocked. He was about to quickly attack back until the hero killer jumped towards him saying, "You've got yourself some nice friends, haven't you Ingenium?" 

As soon as the hero killer said that he attempted to try to slash Todoroki but he quickly made an ice shield that looked more like an iceberg causing the knife to stay stuck on the ice. They both looked up at the sword that the hero killer threw up when he jumped towards Todoroki and the hero killer quickly tried to lick the blood from Todorokis cheek but Todoroki noticed and quickly engulfed his whole left side in flames causing the hero killer to jump away from him.

Shit that was close..." Todoroki said as he wiped the blood off of his cheek hoping that it would stop bleeding. Todoroki attacked the hero killer who caught his sword and jumped out of the way before the ice could hit him. Attack after attack the hero killer kept dodging them making Todorki worried that he might not be able to defeat this guy. 

"Why...Why are you three doing this....please, stop..." Iida said as more tears began to build up. "I've inherited my brother's the one that has to defeat the hero killer!" Iida yelled. "You inherited it? That's funny..." Todoroki quickly said after Iida yelled as he kept attacking the hero killer with his flames. Then after he smacked his right hand down on the ground making a giant ice wall in front of him and a bunch more ice go towards the hero killer, he said, "The Ingenium that I once saw never made a face like that. You've got a lot going on behind the scenes in your family too huh?" Todoroki said with a sad look in his eyes as he kept looking out for the hero killer ready to attack him.

While he did that, Izuku and (Y/N) were trying their best to move again until Izuku let out a gasp. "Huh??" was all he said as he looked at his hands to see that he can move his fingers. (Y/N) still couldn't move though. As Izuku slowly got up and tried to gain some balance the hero killer slashed Todorokis ice and said, "To block your own view against an opponent faster than you...that was an idiot move kid!" He yelled. "We'll see about that!" Todoroki yelled as he was about to attack with his flames but the hero killer threw two daggers, both of them stabbing Todorokis left arm causing his flames to go away.

As the hero killer was close to attacking Todoroki, Izuku quickly dashed up without warning and grabbed the hero killer by the scarf dragging him on the walls of the building. "Midoriya!" "Izuku!" Todoroki and (Y/N) yelled out. "I don't know why but im able to move again!" Izuku yelled out to them.

"A time limit?" Todorki said as he held his left arm. "Can't be! I still can't move and he and the girl were the last ones to go down!" The pro hero said. "But I still can't move damn it!" (Y/N) yelled out in frustration as she still tried to move. "(Y/N) can't you look at this guys quirk?" Todoroki asked. "Yes but my quirks are not working!" (Y/N) yelled getting mad at the situation. 

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