Chapter 11 - Finally Over!

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I have a few important things to say before we start! Number one is that I wanna give a shout out to MiraculousLBfan079 and Blackstar_Senpai for the really nice comments on the previous chapter! You guys literally made me ball my eyes out! But I also love the rest of you readers comments too! Some make me laugh to the point where I can't breathe and some make me cry out of so much happiness. All of you readers comments make my day and I appreciate all of the love you guys give me and also the support! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! 

The second announcement is the about the winner of the Cover Competition! The winner is MisteryGirl24711 This is what she made:

The second announcement is the about the winner of the Cover Competition! The winner is MisteryGirl24711 This is what she made:

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I really liked this one so thank you for taking your time to make this. I loved everyone else's too and honestly, it was really hard to choose (Hens why I announced this late...I'm sorry) BUT ANYWAY! Thank you to everyone for the nice covers!  

Now on the reading!

Your PoV

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was an all too familiar cute boy with dark green hair sitting on the side of my bed with his head on top of my stomach. His face was facing me but I could only see his closed eyes because he was holding my right hand near his mouth covering half of his face. A small smile formed on my lips as I moved my free hand towards his soft hair running my fingers gently through it. 

I felt him squeeze my hand softly as his eyes fluttered open and locked with mine. "Hey sleepy head." I said smiling, my voice coming out weak and dry. "Hey..." He said smiling back as he grabbed a glass and filled it with water passing it to me after. Once I drank half of it I handed it back to him and he placed it on the small table next to him. "How long have I been out for?" I asked him. "An hour. It took 30 minutes to fix the stage and then 10 minutes more to clean some of the rock out and fix some stuff. Bakugou and Todorki's battle started not too long ago." He said and when he mentioned Bakugou I stiffened and looked down in shame remembering that I lost to him. 

"(Y/N)? You ok?" Izuku asked me as he grabbed my hand again. "I...I'm sorry..." I tried to say but then I broke down. "I-I lost...I couldn't keep my promise....I'm sorry..." I said as I covered my face with my free hand. I heard him breathe out as he let go of my hand and grabbed the one on my face pulling it down. "What promise? and I told you to stop apologizing!" He said. "I made a promise to myself that I would make it to first and make you proud of me..." I said looking down. 

"(Y/N)..." He said as he sighed. "Look at me..." Izuku said in a gentle tone as he grabbed my chin and lifted my head slowly making me look at him in the eye. "You don't need to be in first place for me to be proud of you. I'm always proud of you no matter what and you know that. So please don't beat yourself up about this." He said as he showed me that cute smile that made me fall for him in the beginning. I just nodded and smiled back.

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