Chapter 20: The Aftermath

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(For those of you who know BTS and are fellow ARMY'S)

BTS has me running on no sleep because of these teaser posters that BigHit dropped out of nowhere...let me just say 





Enjoy the chapter!

Izuku's Pov

2 days have passed since the Hero Killer incident and (Y/N) still hasn't woken up. After the pros tried to break the barrier Torino had no choice but to call All Might. When he came he was shocked and angry that they didn't call him sooner. When he saw (y/n) on the brink of death with the hero killer he quickly tried to break the barrier before it was too late. It took him a few tries to break it but when he did the ambulance quickly rushed (y/n) to the hospital along with Todoroki, Iida and I. All Might said he would visit later on when he could. But he told me he needed to tell me something important so to call him when I had the chance. 

A lot happened yesterday so I couldn't contact him. Tornio and Manuel, the pro hero Iida is interning with, came and I thought they were going to scold us until Torino said we had a visitor. Hosu's chief of police, Kenji Tsuragamen came to tell us that we won't get in trouble for what we have done but that the world won't know about our heroic act. Instead, they will give Endeavour the credit which was alright with us. I mean it was that or get a huge punishment that could get us kicked out of U.A. After that, a bunch of our classmates called to make sure we were ok. Some of them know what really went down and some didn't. 

Now back to the present im currently in the lobby talking to All Might on the phone. "Midoriya my boy! Hows everything?" He asked as I heard shuffling coming from the other side. "Everything is fine. (Y/N) still hasn't woken up though." I said as I looked down. "She'll wake up soon don't worry. But I need to tell you something. It's about her." He said and not in a good tone making me worried. "What about her? Is there something wrong?" I asked. He told me about a bunch of scientist wanting All Might to take her quirk away because she could be a danger. He told me that he agreed and that he was going to do it which made me mad but then he said that after training her and watching her grow it made him change his mind. But then he told me that if he doesn't do it the scientist will come after her and take her away to experiment on her. 

"I won't let that happen," I said as I clenched my phone a little too hard. "Don't worry. The pros had a hero meeting and we talked about her. I told them everything and at first, it wasn't easy to convince them but then at the end, everything worked out and they promised to protect and watch her."

~Flashback All Might P.O.V~

"I agree with the scientist! That girl could be a danger to this world! She could be worse than All For One! I say you take away her quirk!" One of the pros said while others agreed. "Not if she's taught right! We could all teach her our quirks and I've already told her which quirks not to use unless she can use them for good. Aizawa and the other pros that teach in U.A has been training and watching her carefully and so far she has done nothing wrong. Please! Let's just give her a chance! She's changed so much and she's grown. I believe that she can handle it and become the best hero in the future." I said as they all looked down hesitating for a moment before they all nodded and agreed. 

"But one huge slip-up and it's gone All Might." Another pro said and I nodded. 

~Flashback Over Back to Izuku P.O.V~

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