Chapter 21

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Ok, so some of you asked me, "How can All Might take away reader chan's quirk?" Well, the scientist has this serum that 'kills' it but it doesn't harm you. It just takes away your quirk. Instead of the serum being red and gold like the one on the first chapter of the first book where you received your quirk, this serum is blue and green. I hope that this is a good enough explanation! If you still confused don't hesitate to ask! Enjoy!


Your P.O.V

"It's been a while boys and girls! In good spirits, I hope?" I heard All Might say as he stood in front of the class 1A students. I was all the way in the back looking down trying to avoid both him and Izuku but I still listened. Ever since I left All Might and Izuku to get some air I've been avoiding everyone. Uraraka and some other girls tried talking to me but I didn't listen. After that, I've just been getting worried glances from everyone including the teachers.  

Now it was foundational hero study time and we were all outside in our costumes in front of a giant door listening to what All Might has for us today. Hopefully, it will be something where I will be able to let my anger out. "Right on the heels of all your workplace experiences, this time we'll mix in an element of play! We'll be doing a rescue training race!" He announced. "If it's a rescue training shouldn't we be doing this at USJ?" I heard Iida ask from the front. "No, that place is for disaster rescue." All Might replied. 

"Anyway's this place is playground Gamma! Where densely packed lanes make this construction site seem more like a complex labyrinth. Now! Please make four groups of 5! Because the class is uneven one group will have 6." All Might said making me sigh in frustration as some students glanced at me one of them being him. Great. 

I know im being extremely childish in avoiding everyone else but I just don't feel like dealing with everyone's questions although im pretty sure they asked Izuku what happened. And I also don't want to unleash my anger on anyone which is why I think it's best to keep my distance from them until maybe tomorrow. I just need time to myself to calm down. 

But I guess that's going to be hard to do now.

"We'll do the training one group at a time! When I've given the distress signal somewhere in the area, you all start simultaneously from outside! This is a competition to see who can come to my aid first!" He said making feel a bit better. We'll be in a group but we are competing against each other meaning we are all doing this alone anyway. That means I don't have to work with anyone.

"So who will be our starting group?" All Might asked. Wanting to get this over with I walked towards the front looking down so that I wouldn't look at anyone and as I did that I saw Ashido walk up next to me from the corner of my eye. Then Iida walked up and Sero and Ojiro walked up after. Thinking that it was going to be just us 5, my eyes widened when Izuku joined us too but I quickly hid it as he looked over at me.

People then began to bet on who would make it to All Might first. Some people said Iida but because he is still injured he might have a disadvantage. Some people said Ashido and some people said me, Sero or Ojiro. As for Izuku, everyone was saying he was gonna make it dead last. I smirked at that because they don't know how much he has improved. I might be mad at him but im not going to bad mouth him. I truly believe he can make it to at least 2nd place. 

We all got in our positions as the rest of the students watched us through a TV monitor placed on the side. All Might was already in the middle of the playground somewhere waiting for us to find him. "START!" All Might said through the playgrounds intercom system. 

I quickly ran and jumped up towards the tubes and roofs. I guess others had the same idea as they did the same. But as we ran I saw some of them had surprised looks as they saw Izuku come up out of nowhere. I smiled a little and not wanting to be near them I used my teleportation quirk to teleport me far from them. I landed on top of a roof and I felt a presence behind me. Knowing who it was already I just let out a sigh and sat on the railings. I shouldn't have finished this too quickly. "You did great. I noticed you learned how to use Torino's quirk. It's good to see you're trying other quirks instead of the ones you usually use." He said as I felt him staring at my back. 

"Funny you're saying that. You were gonna take it away." I snapped and he was going to say something else until the others arrived. Thank goodness. I looked back to see that Sero made it first and right behind him was Ashido and Ojiro. Ashido noticed my confusion and told me Izuku lost his balance. As she said that Iida arrived and Izuku came last. 

"Young (Y/N) came in first but all of you have learned how to use your quirks more broadly since you first entered the Academy! Now keep at it for me and begin preparing for the end of term test!" All Might said as the rest began to walk away leaving me and Izuku who was getting up from sitting on the floor. "You surprised me! Almost didn't recognize you Midoriya!" All Might said but not loud enough for the others to hear. Before All Might or Izuku can tell me anything I quickly jumped off the railing and followed the others.

Izuku's P.O.V

Regret. That's what im feeling. After she left the room leaving All Might and me alone in shock she's been ignoring me and I've been down since then. I regretted not telling her sooner but I had to let All Might tell her himself. Some people noticed (Y/N) and I's mood and they tried asking her but she just ignored everyone. They then came to me and I told them I would explain another time and walked away ignoring everyone after that. 

During foundational hero study when All Might told us to get into a group I was hoping I would be in the same group with (y/n) and try talking to her but unfortunately, we weren't getting into groups to work with each other. When the rescuing race was done I was going to talk to her again but she quickly jumped off of the railing and walked away with the others. I let out a sigh and I was about to walk away when All Might stopped me. "Im sorry I got her mad at you." He said regret showing in his eyes. "*Sigh* It's ok..." I said giving him a forced smile. I was about to walk away until he stopped me again. "Ah before we head back to the others, after this lesson can you come over to my place? I need to talk to you about something important. Don't worry it's not about (y/n). It's about me and One For All."

~~~~~~~ :(


I know I know most of you are like "AUTHOR WHY!" But hey! I have a plan ok and in order for this plan of mine to happen, I need this to happen alright! 

Anyways I hope you guys liked it! Have a nice day/night!

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