Chapter 19: A Villains Past!

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Short but really important chapter!

Third P.O.V

They all looked towards (Y/N) and the hero killer as a transparent blue barrier appeared around them. Their positions were still the same as both of their eyes were glowing a bright blue. All of that happened so quickly. "(Y/N)!" Izuku yelled as he painfully tried to get up but he felt too weak. Todoroki and Iida quickly got up and ran towards him to try and help him up.

"We need to break this thing and get her out of there and that dagger out of her stomach! She's bleeding too much!" Torino yelled as all of the pros tried every attack on the barrier but It wouldn't crack. Not even a single scratch. 

Your P.O.V

"I'll begin with my real name. It's Chizome Akaguro." The hero killer told me as we both sat across from each other. "Like every other kid, I wanted to become a hero like All Might. So I entered a private Hero course high school to train to become a Hero." He started and the white room changed. 

We were now floating above a classroom. There sitting like a normal kid working hard and smiling was the hero killer...No...he hasn't become that yet. It was Chizome. He had neat but sort of messy black hair. Instead of the dangerous crimson colored eyes he now possesses, his eyes were a warm, calm and harmful brown. His skin color was cream instead of pale and from here you can tell how smooth his skin was. He was innocent.

"But then I became hopeless and despaired after seeing the school's 'fundamental decay'." He said and the scene changed to him looking down, his hair shadowing his eyes, and a frown on his lips as he heard a group of students talking. "The students were talking about becoming Heroes for the money and personal gain. Every single student. So I dropped out during the summer of my freshmen year and preached an ideology which I called the 'Revival of Heroics' through street oratory speeches and soapbox speeches. However, no one listened." He said and the scene changed again to him standing on the sidewalk saying his speeches but everyone that passed by him just ignored him completely. 

Upon seeing this I frowned and looked back at the hero killer in front of me to see his eyes dark and clouded with hatred. "Over the following decade, I realized that only action will create my ideal world and change Heroics for the better. I researched and disciplined myself in the training of the killing arts through self-study. I did this in order to achieve my duty of 'Revival of Heroics'. During this decade, my parents died as well." He said as the scene changed to him training and then him crying in front of two graves. After a while, the room then turned back to normal and everything was once again white.

"After my training, I took up the name Hero Killer Stain and began implementing my "Revival of Heroics" by killing Pro Heroes, deciding that I would not stop my 'purge' of the Pro Heroes until the world realized the flaw in the Heroics system. In other words, my end goal with implementing my ideology 'Revival of Heroics' was to create a just world filled with true Heroes." He said looking at me as I heard something crack above us. I looked up to see that the white room was cracking meaning only one thing. 

"All Might has arrived..."The hero killer whispered. "You won't be able to fight him though...your unconscious," I told him as we both stood up. He just let out a sigh as he watched the room crack even more. "Thank you...for listening." He said after a moment of silence as he turned around making me face his back. "I'll tell him everything," I said smiling knowing that he will want All Might to know the meaning behind every thing he has done. 

"You'll be a great hero kid..." Was all he said giving me a thumbs up before he disappeared and the room shattered completely making everything dark.


Woah! Finally, I finished this!

I had absolutely no idea how to write this chapter until I did some research that helped me a ton on this. This is why google is my best friend. Gotta love it lol.

Anyways I hope this chapter wasn't too boring for you guys! Have a nice day/night!

P.S sorry that this chapter was extremely short. Might upload another chapter later though.

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