Chapter 16: Chaos in Hosu City!

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HEY GUYS! Omg, last week's episode was so amazing and I can't wait for the new episode this Saturday! Anyways im not gonna talk much so I hope you guys like this chapter! Enjoy!


Your P.O.V ~ Day 3 of Workplace Experience (Internships)

5:00 pm 

This morning we woke up and started training as soon as we finished eating breakfast which was at 7:00 Am. While Izuku worked on moving while keeping One For All activated, Torino taught me how to use his quirk. When I said that learning his quirk would be a struggle I didn't think it would make me struggle this much. 

The first time I activated his quirk I hit my self on the head with the ceiling and knocked my self out for an hour. I woke up with the biggest headache and with a worried Izuku next to me. Torino told me to rest for a bit more while he worked with Izuku but instead of resting I tried coming up with ways to use the quirk and not hit my head again.

I could just slow down time and watch how Torino does it in slow motion but, after what happened in the dome where I turned back time, I don't think messing with time again is a good idea. I still haven't told All Might or anyone about that. But im sure if I tell him he would tell me to stop and never use that quirk ever.

Anyway a few minutes later when I tried Torino's quirk again I landed in the ceiling with my foot this time and I kept bouncing all over the place after that until I began to get tired. But there was one problem...I didn't know how to stop. 

"HOW DO I STOP!?" I asked him as I kept dashing all over the place. He told me how to stop and I actually got it right though it was a bit difficult. But I did it. After that Torino kept training a little with me and shifting to Izuku until now. 

Izuku and I are currently laying on the floor trying to catch our breath as Torino stood above us. He just fought us both at the same time and won...again. "Alright, let's stop here for today. If you two fight against my tactics more than this, you guys might fall into weird habits." He said while getting his cane and as I sat up. 

"But I still haven't done enough training or had enough experience! Don't worry about habits, let's train some more, please!" Izuku said and I nodded in agreement. Im tired but I really want to have more experience with this quirk. "Nope, that's enough. We're moving to phase 2--to our workplace experience." Torino said smirking. "Huh?" Izuku and I both said.

"In other words, let's go fight some villains! Now come on, go and change into your costumes!" Torino ordered. 

Time Skip~

We were now outside with our costumes on walking down the steps with Torino. "Why are we gonna fight villains so suddenly?" I asked him. "Like I said earlier if you guys only fight against me, then you'll have trouble when you come across a completely different type!" He explained. "This next phase is to let you guys experience different types and situations. This was meant to be a workplace experience from the beginning anyway so of course you'll be fighting villains." He said as I looked up to see the sun slowly going down.

"What you're saying is right but I need more time to prepare my self..." Izuku said looking down in worry. "Me too..." I said still looking up at the sky. "You guys have already experienced combat against villains, right? Besides we're not gonna be touching anything that powerful or big so don't worry." Torino said as he waved his hand for a taxi that was coming our way. 

After we got in the taxi Torino told us we would be going to Shibuya in Tokyo on the bullet train meaning we would cross Hosu City which is where Iida is. "Hmm, I wonder how Iida is doing?" I said looking out the window. "Me too" Izuku responded looking out the window as well. 

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