Chapter 22: Save Me!

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For those who are confused about the time class starts and ends the manga finally revealed the School timetable (THIS MIGHT BE IMPORTANT!) Here it is: 

Short Homeroom: 8:25 am - 8:35 am

Period 1st (Math): 8:40 am - 9:30 am

10-minute break

Period 2nd (Japanese - Its like reading and learning vocabulary): 9:40 am - 10:30 am

10-minute break

Period 3rd (Science): 10:40 am - 11:30 am

10-minute break

Period 4th (Foreign Languages - So like English or Korean): 11:40 am - 12:30 pm

Lunch (I feel bad they have last lunch): 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm

Period 5th (General Education): 1:20 pm - 2:10pm

10-minute break

Period 6th (Foundational Hero Studies): 2:20 pm - 3:10 pm

*All Students must leave by 7:00 pm as after school club activities are all out by then as well.

*Only Dept. of Heroics Students have an additional 7th period lasting from 3:20 pm - 4:10 pm.

*Two days per week 3rd and 4th periods have practice exercises and hands-on study.

Hope this helped with knowing how U.A runs and everything!

Also a big shout out to @PGBlueFire for liking my story! Please go check out her work too! It's a My Hero Academia/Kill La Kill Shoto Todoroki X Reade fan fiction and it's really good! So go check it out if you guys want!

Anyways, hope you like this chapter! Enjoy! (Long chapter so get comfy!)


Your P.O.V ~ 12:30 pm ~ Saturday

It's been a week since I've started ignoring All Might and Izuku and its been hell. All I've been doing is training on my own and studying for the final exams which Aizawa announced last week on that day but it's been boring. I miss training with All Might and Izuku and I miss our conversations and hanging out with them. Today was a Saturday and I was in my room staring at the ceiling thinking about my life and about the finals which are a week from now. I was alone in the house since my mom was at work. I heard my phone vibrate for the 40th time and I decided to check it.

When I unlocked it I saw that I had some miss calls and some text messages from All Might, Izuku, and some other people. I opened Uraraka's first and she sent me 3 messages.

Best Fran<3: Hey (Y/N)...

Best Fran<3: I was just wondering if you were ok?

Best Fran<3: Bakugou and I are worried about you (Mostly me but Bakugou cares for you deep in his heart too im sure)


Best Fran<3: Ok...I'll leave you alone then :( Love you...

These were from 2 days ago. Feeling bad for ignoring her I sent her a message saying that I was ok and to not worry about me and that I just need time to think things and that I would tell her and Bakugou what happened another time. 

I then proceeded to see who else sent me messages and I saw that Izuku's mom sent me one. 

Mom #2: (Y/N) honey...I don't know what happened between you and Izuku but please call him and speak with him...He hasn't been the same and he hasn't been eating.

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