Chapter 4: Cavalry Battle!

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I never thought winning in first could be so terrifying. "Since Izuku and (Y/n) tied, 5 million plus 5 million is Ten Million which reminds me you two are automatically a group. No changes allowed for you both. You guys can only add two people and that's it. Good luck!" Midnight said smirking at us. "Izuku..." I said as I began to shake. "Y-yeah?..." He responded as he was shaking too. "We're fucked..."


Your P.O.V

"Now then! I will explain the rules for this game! The time limit to pick a team is 15 minutes. Each team is worth the total of its members points, and the riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads. Teams will try to grab each others head bands until time runs out, and try to keep as many points as they can. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up! The most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen, or if your team falls, you're not out! " She explained. I looked around to see some people smirking and looking at their friends. 

Crap its gonna be hard for me and Izuku to make a team. Who the hell will want to partner up with the 2 people in first who have the highest points, which everyone is after?

"During the game, It'll be a cruel fight where you can use your quirks! But it is still a cavalry battle. If you attack any other group with the malicious aim of trying to make them fall on purpose, then you'll get a red card and will be forced to sit out for the rest of the game!" She said and I heard Bakugou curse from behind me. 

"Now! You guys have 15 minutes to build your teams! Remember first place, you two are automatically together and you guys can only add 2 people. NOW START!" She said and with that everyone started to get in teams. I looked back and noticed that 5 people were already on top of Bakugou asking him to be on their team. "Wait, what the fuck are all your quirks again?!" He yelled making me roll my eyes.

I looked around to see that everyone is avoiding us and that was starting to worry the shit out of me. "Izuku, what are we-" I began to say but got cut of by someone. "As I thought this is great! You two stand out!" I turned around to see that, crazy girl from support with pink hair said that. "Team up with me couple in first place!" She yelled as she got way too close to us. "W-Who are you?!" Izuku yelled. "The name is Mei Hatsume! Im from the support course! I don't know you guys but let me join you!" She said and she got even more close as we backed up little by little. 

"If I team up with you, the i'll inevitably become part of the team everyone is watching most right? If that happens then my super cute babies will inevitably be seen by the big companies. In other words that means that those big companies will see my babies!" She continued saying and my goodness, I have never met such a cheery person in my life. 

"Don't worry, you guys will also benefit from this!" She said as she got a case from behind her and opened it showing us her inventions. Let me just say I am impressed. "The support course develops equipment that helps heroes deal with their quirks. I have a ton of babies so im sure you'll be able to find one that you like!" She said pointing down to her 'babies'. 

I looked down and saw one that catched my attention. "Oh, I see this one cached your eye!" She said picking up the machine I was looking at and then looking at me. I smiled and nodded. "I made this on a certain hero's backpack, adding my own original twist to it." She said. "Could you be talking about buster hero, Air Jet?" Izuku asked as he got a closer look at the jetpack and she nodded. 

"This is great! Now we just need one more person." I said and Izuku began to look around. As I looked around too I saw a certain person I knew would be perfect fit. "Izuku!" I called and when he looked at me I pointed forward. He looked to where I was pointing at and smiled and nodded. 

How You Became A Hero 2 ~ MHA (Midoriya Izuku X Reader) ✔Where stories live. Discover now