Chapter 9: Go Iida GO! (Edited)

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Just noticed that It didn't sorry...

Your Pov

All Might and I were currently outside the Infirmary waiting for Recovery Girl to finish operating Izuku. 

"Good job protecting the people in the stadium with your shield (Y/N). That was impressive." All Might complemented me trying to brighten up my mood.

He was currently in his weak form as he did not want to attract any attention. "Thanks...that was the first time I expanded my shield that much. I never knew I could do that until today." I said smiling a bit but then the frown came back and it was silent again. 

"Look...there's no reason to be sad about this. Instead, smile and continue battling strong. Do it for him. For everyone else that has lost this battle. I know he won't like seeing you like this. I sure as hell don't and I don't think the others do either. So do me a favor and raise your head high and show the world that bright smile of yours." All Might said putting a hand on my head as I looked up at him with some tears once again escaping my eyes. 

"Ok..." I said smiling as I sniffed and hugged him. "Thank you for everything All've always been like a dad to me you know." I said as he smiled and hugged me back.

"All finished." Recovery Girl said opening the door for us. We let go and walked inside to see Izuku sitting down and looking up at us. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked him smiling sofly. "A little tired but...I feel a bit better than before." He said giving me a weak smile. I smiled back but it was tight. I hate seeing him like this. 

"For the time being, I was able to proceed with the treatment enough to make you be able to walk again." Recovery Girl said as she wrote down some stuff. "Thank you so much ma'am..." Izuku said as he let out a sigh. "Remember, this is what you get for abusing your powers so much in such a short span! Let the warped shape your right hand has taken be a warning. And from now on you can bet I'm not going to treat wounds like these again." Recovery Girl said leaving me Izuku and All Might shocked. 

"Instead of continuing on such a harmful method search for a different one the boy can do." She said looking straight at All Might. 

With that, she gave Izuku a new jersey to put on and a black arm sling. After that, we left and started walking towards the tunnel that leads to the second floor. 

"A different method...?" All Might mumbled as I helped Izuku walk as he was having trouble walking. "All Might..." Izuku said stopping and looking down with a frown. I looked at him with a confused face. "The reason you became a teacher at U.A...was originally to find a successor, right?" He said making All Might confused as to why he was asking this. 

"Yeah..." All Might responded. "Today, here at U.A...I saw everybody fighting with no holds barred....and I felt their keen unwavering determination in my bones." He said as he turned around to look at All Might. 

"I see. Your saying shouldn't someone else be the one who should be my successor? Is that it?" All Might asked with a deep serious tone. "Y-yes..." Izuku said with a shaky voice. 

After that, there was a moment of silence and the atmosphere got so tense all of a sudden. What was Izuku saying all of this anyway?

"It's true that there are many talented people in this school. One For All is the crystallization of power...But if someone with a Quirk, Young Todoroki for example, had inherited it then we would have gotten a superhero with mega strength in addition to fire and ice." All Might said and Izuku looked down. 

"So then-" Izuku was about to say something but All might cut him off. "However...I too used to be quirkless." All Might confessed leaving me and Izuku shocked. "No way...." Izuku and I whispered in disbelief. 

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