Chapter 6: The Tournament!

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Before we start, I just wanted to let you guys know that there will be a lot of P.O.V switching in this chapter. So read carefully. Enjoy!


Your P.O.V

After the Recreation event was over, the girls and I went back to the changing room to change back into our P.E clothe. Once we were all done we headed out. Instead of going with the girls upstairs to sit down and watch the fight, I decided to go to the tunnel were Izuku was waiting to exit out from.

"ARE! YOU! READY!!!!!!!!" I heard Present Mic yell. "After so many events...Finally the one vs. one battle is about to start, those which really we all wanted to see! The only person that you can count on is yourself! However, even without being a hero, you face situations like these in your everyday life, right?! Will, Ability, Resistance and Justice...This is the moment to put all of these into play and achieve a glorious victory!!" Present Mic finished saying. 

"Izuku!" I called as I saw him near the exit. He turned around to face me and he smiled. "You ready?" I asked him. "Honestly? Im freaking out. I feel like im not gonna win this." He said looking down. I looked at him with sad eyes and I let out a sigh and raised my hand to place it on his cheek making him look at me. "You're gonna do fine Izuku. I believe in you. I always have and I always will. Remember that while you're out there." I said smiling at him.

He smiled back and he leaned down and kissed me putting both of his hands on my cheeks as my hands stayed on his chest. After a few seconds we heard someone clear their throat from behind us. When we stopped and looked back we saw that it was All Might. "Hey lovebirds!" All Might greeted making both of us blush and smile. 

"Midoriya my boy...It took a little time but, its seems that you were able to dominate One For All!" All Might said giving Izuku a thumbs up. "Yeah but...Im still afraid. That's how it keeps playing in my mind, the way I felt when I attacked that villain...If I lose concentration even for a second, I could fracture myself..and that's not good...with my actual strength, even if im able to control it correctly...I only achieve raising a little bit of my normal strength." Izuku said clenching his right fist as his left was behind my back. 

"Yes. If we use the scale from 1 to 100 that I mentioned before...The amount of strength that your body can actually tolerate is hardly 5%." All Might said making my eyes go wide. 

"5?!" Izuku said his eyes also going wide. "By the way you said that, it seems that I only got this far thanks to the help of others and luck..." He said dropping his hand from behind my back and unclenching his other one while looking down with a sad look.  

"Still at this point I have to shout at you: Give your best, kid! Without doubt, you're the prince of the Idiot kingdom!" All Might yelled as he hit him on the head and neck making me laugh a little. 

"Does the hero that you dream of being always have a sad face like that?! Don't you understand? It's in these moments when you're full of fear and anxiety..."All Might began to say as he turned into his strong form. 

"That you need a smile! You already arrived to this point! So, the way you are now is a lie! You need to stand up straight and have your head raised high with a brave look. Don't forget that im always watching you!" All Might said giving him thumbs up.

"Im always watching you too (Y/N). I have been noticing that you're doing really good in not passing your limits and keeping control. Keep it up!" He said to me and I nodded. 

"Ok, now go out there my boy!" All Might said. "Good Luck!" I yelled out as he began to walk out. 

"FIRST FIGHT! The boy who amazingly and greatly won the Obstacle race in first place, From the department of heroes, Midoriya Izuku! vs. We're sorry but, he's only a normal student without anything special. From the common department, Shinsou Hitoshi!" Present mic announced and the crowd cheered loudly. 

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