Chapter 2: The Talk and New Enemies!

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Don't really have anything to say so enjoy!


Your PoV

"Let's talk about the sports festival." All Might said as Izuku and I sat in front of him with a cup of tea in our hands. "(Y/N), although you might already know how to use and control most of your powers I still want you to remember about your limits and what could happen if you over do it. You were close to overdoing it during the battle in the dome. We don't want that to happen again. Understand?" All Might said pointing at me. I nodded and looked down at my right arm were the bracelet he gave me was. 

The bracelet that keeps my powers away as long as I keep it on. 

"Now, that doesn't mean I don't want you to go full out. I want you to give it all you've got just without passing your limit." He said and I frowned. "That's gonna be a challenge..." I said looking down. "But not an impossible one. You just need to keep training and get your body to get use to all of that power stored inside of you." All Might said and I nodded in understandment. "Now Midoriya, as it stands, you still can't control One For All, can't you? What are you gonna do?" All Might asked. "Actually now that you mention it, in the battle at the dome when I aimed a Smash at the brain villain together with (Y/N), my arm didn't break and my clothe didn't rip." Izuku recalled. "Oh yeah, You mentioned that!" All Might said. 

"I forgot to ask you about that. What was diffrent?" I asked Izuku. "Different?....The biggest difference between that moment and the other moments from before is that, it was my first time using it on a person...." He said as he looked at his hands. Now that he mentions that it kind of makes me remember of what Space hero 13 said when we met him in the dome. 

Flashback ~ 

" quirk, Black Hole. I can suck up anything and turn it into dust, but... this is a power that can kill anyone easily." 13 told the class making most of us shocked. 

Flashback over ~

"hmm...looks like you succeeded in putting on the brakes unconsciously." All Might said making me snap out of my flashback and making me look up at him. "But anyway, thats progress. Im glad." He said giving Izuku thumbs up. Izuku smiled and drank some of his tea. "Frankly, I don't have much time left as the Symbol of Peace." All Might said as he stood up and walked over to the window. "No way..." Izuku said as we both frowned and looked down.

"And there are those binding in the hive of villainy that have noticed that." All Might said making me tense up and Izuku stand. "Midoriya..." All Might began to say as he turned around to look at him. "I granted you my power because I want you to succeed me." He said putting his fist half way up. "You still feel the same as you did back then, don't you?" All might asked. "Yes!" Izuku responded. 

"Then the time has come for you to show that. For both you and (Y/N) to show that." All Might said as I stood up next to Izuku. "The U.A sports festival is a big event that the whole country including Pro Heroes and Villains will be taking note of. This, is what I brought you two here to talk about! As the two best heroes of the next generation, the symbol of peace's offsprings...You! Midoriya Izuku and (F/N) (L/N), have arrived! And I want you two to make that known to the world!" All Might said as Izuku and I stared at him in complete shock.

"B-but how?..." I asked. "You guys know the Sports Festivals system right?" He asked. We both nodded. "The support, business, general studies, and hero courses come together and fight through preliminary games of diffrent types by class year. The students who make it through, face each other in the finals." I said and Izuku nodded. "It's a round-robin tournament divided by grade." Izuku finished.  

"Thats right!" All Might said pointing at us. "In other words, you two can sell yourselves with all you've got!" He finished. "Right..." Izuku said. Then out of nowhere All might falls back with the couch as blood gushes out of his mouth. "I-I mean, what you said is absolutely correct!!" Izuku yells out of panic but then he starts to mutter some stuff. Im trying to contain my laughter. 

"No one's better at spouting nonsense than you!" All might yelled making Izuku stop muttering and making me laugh a little. "Nonesens?" Izuku said standing up and looking over at All Might. I did the same. "Listen and listen well. Theres a difference between those who always aim for the top and those who don't. It may feel slight at first...But its that slight difference that makes the biggest waves in society!" All Might said. "I understand how you're both feeling, so I will not force you guys...However, I just ask that you guys don't forget how you guys felt at the beach park that day." He finished saying. 

Time skip: After school ~ ( -_-) ~

"What the hell?!" I yelled out as I opened the classroom door to see a bunch of students from other classes outside our class. "T-Their crowding the exit! What are they here for?" Mineta asked from behind me. "They're scoping out the competition, Retard." Bakugou said as he walked passed me. "They wanna see the gang who came through the villain ambush. They probably want to check us out before the sports festival." He said walking up to the crowd outside our class.

"It's pointless to try, so why don't you just fuck off ya goddam Mob!!" Bakugo yelled at the crowd making some of them back up and making me and others sweat drop. "Don't go calling people you don't know a 'mob' right off the bat Bakugou!!" Iida said standing next to me trying to calm down Bakugo. "I came to see what the famous Class A was like, but you seem pretty arrogant." A guy with dark blue hair said as he walked up to the front of the crowd. 

His hair was all over the place and he had dark blue eyes with white pupils instead of black and a little bit of dark bags under his eyes too "Are all the students in the hero course like this?" The guys said making Bakugo pissed off and the rest of us behind him shake our heads no telling the stranger to stop. "Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned." The guy said rubbing the back of his head. 

(A/N Definition of Disillusioned for those who don't know: Disappointed in someone or something that one discovers to be less good than one had believed)

"There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that?" The stranger asked tilting his head a bit. "The school has left those of us a chance. Depending on the results of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfer into into the hero course, and it seems they may also transfer people out." The stranger said making us all tens up except Bakugou. 

"Scouting out the competition?" The stranger kid said looking at us and then back at Bakugou. "I, at least, came to say that even if you're in the hero course, if you guys get to carried away, i'll sweep your feet out from under you. Consider it a declaration of war." The stranger said making all of our eyes go wide and making Bakugo even more pissed off. This stranger is bold.

"HEY! YOU! I'M FROM CLASS B NEXT DOOR!  I heard you fought villains and whatever so I came to hear it directly! But I don't wanna hear from some snot-nosed punk!!!" Some other dude with silver hair and blond bushy eyelashes around his eyes yelled out at Bakugou. "And they keep coming..." I said as everyone let out a frustrated sigh. 

The silver haired dude kept talking but Bakugou ignored him and walked out of the class as some people moved away. "YOU IGNORING ME BASTARD?!!" The silver haired dude yelled. "Wait a sec Man!! What did you just do?! Now were gonna get haters all up in our grill!!" Eijiro yelled making Bakugou stop and look at us. 

"It doesn't matter..." He said. "WHAT!?" We all yelled at him. "It doesn't matter as long as you rise to the top." Bakugo said making us shocked and with that he walked away. "DAMMIT YOU BASTARD!" The silver haired guy yelled at Bakugou. 

I looked at Eijiro to see tears in his eyes. "That's so simple and manly!" He said. "He does have a point. The 'top' huh..." Fumikage said. "Now he talking" Sato said after. "DON'T LISTEN TO THAT DUMBASS! ALL HE DID WAS MAKE US SOME NEW ENEMIES FOR NO REASON!!" Kaminari yelled them. 

I just let out a sigh and began walk out of the classroom. I wonder how the sports festival will be this year?


That's the end of Chapter 2! Hope it was long enough for you guys! Anyway I don't have much to say....

Hope you guys have a nice day/night! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

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