Chapter 5: The Boy Born with Everything!

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Note: Every time you see a *** on a third person P.O.V, that means the setting changed to another setting. I know It doesn't make sense but you'll understand. If you don't just leave a comment!

Your P.O.V

"Dam! Its sucks to lose but congrats guys!" Tsuyu said as we walked to the tunnels to head to the waiting room. After the crowd left to get food some students came to congratulate us and tell us how awesome our quirks were.

"Hey Uraraka! I didn't think you would team up with the people from class B!" I said as I walked next to her. She was teamed up with Shinso and 2 other people. "Yeah, they needed me so I decided to join them. Im glad we won in 3rd though." She said smiling at me.

 "Hey Iida! That super speed was sneaky! Good trick!" I said as punching him in the shoulder playfully. He was in front of Uraraka and I. 

"Puff! That was nothing!" He said smiling and rubbing the back of his neck. "I just wanted to be a proper rival to Midoriya." Iida continued saying. "Speaking of Izuku, where did he go?" I asked as I looked around. "Last I saw him he got pulled aside by Todoroki." Yaoyorozu answered from behind us. Hm...I wonder what Todoroki wants from Izuku now.

3rd person Pov

"You wanted to tell me something...What is it?" Izuku asked as he leaned against the wall with Todoroki leaning against the other wall in front of him.


"Yo!" All might yelled making the the flame hero turn around. "It's been awhile! Let's do tea, Endeavor!" All Might said as Endeavor glared at him. "All Might..."


"Uhh...Todoroki?" Izuku said in a nervous yet worried tone. Todoroki was currently giving Izuku death icy glares. 'This is diffrent from Kacchan...The air of intimidation is much colder...' Izuku thought. "You blind sided me. So much that I broke my own plague." Todoroki said with a dark tone in his voice. Izuku looked at his left hand knowing exactly what he was talking about.

'He didn't use it even when it would have benefited him...His left side that is..' Izuku thought again as he looked back up at Todoroki's cold glare. "Neither Iida, Nor Kaminari, Nor Yaoyorozu, Nor (Y/N), Nor Tokoyami ever felt it. Only I felt it, that moment." Todoroki said remembering the moment when Izuku attacked and made him use his left side in the calvary game.

"After all, it was only me who'd seen All Might at his full power, up close." Todoroki said looking down at his left hand. "...So...Wha-What is it...You want to say?" Izuku asked as he began to sweat in fear that Todoroki would find out his secret about being All Mights successor.

"What im saying is that, what i felt from you was the same. Something to similar." Todoroki said still looking down at his left hand. Izuku's heart almost came up his throat when Todoroki said that. "...Are you All Mights illegitimate child or what?" Todoroki asked making Izuku's eyes go wide. 'I-I that's what this is about...' Izuku said in his head.

"Y-You've got it all wrong! I...Well, of course that's exactly what a secret son would say, so I get it if you don't believe me, but I swear that not it..." Izuku said shaking his head. "Actually...Im going to ask you something...Why are you...I mean...why me?" Izuku asked him. 

"The way you said that. 'That's not it'. In other words, you have some connection to All Might that you can't talk about. Your girlfriend (Y/N) must know about this connection too, right?" Todoroki asked. "I have no connection with All Might. The only time I get to ever speak to All Might is when he talks to (Y/N) about her powers." Izuku said. "Right...Anyway, you must know about my father. Endeavor." Todoroki said and Izuku nodded. 

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